the shy one 1/2

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Let's pretend Newt went to Hogwarts during the Marauders era. And let's pretend there's a yule ball like in The Goblet Of Fire but without the tournament.

You had been friends with the Marauders since your first year at Hogwarts. They're idiots, but life is to short to be normal. People didn't really understand your friendship 'cause you were a slytherin and Sirius has made it very clear he doesn't like slytherin house. ( if you're not a slytherin you can just ignore this part.)  You couldn't care less about what other people thought, at least you had real friends. 

You were studying in the library when your best friend Lily Evans rudely interrupted you by snatching your book away. "Lily give that back I need to study!" "Oh please you're like the smartest person I know, and besides we have more important matters to discuss than what unicorns eat." "And what might that be?" I asked her. "Your date for the yule ball of course!" she yelled excitedly. "I heard there's this hufflepuff that has a giant crush on you." "Which one?" you asked hopefully. You've had a crush on this boy called Newt Scamander for quite a long time, but you're just to shy to ask him out. And besides you were pretty sure he was dating Leta Lestrange "I don't really know his name. Like the one who's so obsessed with magical creatures, the shy one who's always alone." "You mean Newt? The one that's friends with Leta Lestrange?" You couldn't help the small hopeful smile forming one your lips. " "Yeah I think that's the one. Why are you smiling like that? Awwww does little y/n have crush?" she teased. "I most certainly do not!" You yelled blushing furiously. "Yes you dooo. You're in loveee." she sing songed. "Who are you going with anyway?" You asked trying to change the subject. "I'm going with Potter. He wouldn't stop asking me out so I said yes to get him of my back." "Admit it sweetheart, you love me." James said as he and the others joined you. "Nope, but you know who is in love? Our little n/n over there." If looks could kill Lily would have died about 70 times right now. "Who's the lucky guy?" Remus asked you. He was by far your favorite, they all were like brothers to you but you were closest to Remus. "It's no one. It's just a small crush." "A name would be nice." Sirius said with a smirk. "Promise me you won't tell anyone." I pleaded. They all nodded their heads and smiled for me to go on. "It's Newt Scamander." "Oh I knew it! You should ask him out, he totally has a thing for you!" James said. "He's right, the boy won't stop staring at you every time you're near." Peter joined in. They all nodded and you sighed in defeat. "Fine I'll ask him to the yule ball, but if he says no I will murder each and everyone of you." 

You had been looking for Newt for the past 15 minutes when you saw him sitting against a tree. Alright it was now or never. Your hands were sweaty and they were shaking. Your heart was beating so fast, you were scared is was gonna break out of your chest. You were about to go up to him when Leta appeared by his side, engulfing him in a hug. You didn't want to eavesdrop but you just couldn't help it. "Oh Newt I'm so glad we're going to the ball together! It's gonna be so much fun!" You couldn't quite process what Leta just said. Newt was going to the ball with her? You felt your heart break a little, it didn't break out of your chest, it just broke. You didn't realize you were crying until you felt your wet tears on drip onto your hands. You turned around and ran back to your common room. You ran past Remus on the way who tried to ask you what happened but you just ignored him. You couldn't believe how stupid you had been. How could you even think for a second that he would want to go to the dance with you. You should've known you weren't good enough for him. The rest of the evening you stayed in your dorm, not bothering to go eat dinner. Your roommates tried to get you out of bed but you just told them that you didn't feel well, and that they should just go without you. Just like Newt's going to the dance... without you.

Alright this is the end of part one, I know it doesn't have a lot of Newt parts but part two will be filled with Newt fluff. 

- Elly

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