Long days (late nights p2)

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It had been a couple of years since Newt and you had started your search. When he got expelled you refused to watch him leave, so being the loyal hufflepuff you are you ran away with him. The two of you had been inseparable ever since. That was until you met Tina Goldstein.
You didn't hate her, far from it. In the short time you spent with them, both Goldstein girls had become like sisters to you. But were you jealous of Tina? Absolutely.
The dark haired girl had stolen Newt's attention the minute they met. Your heart hurt every time you saw them sneaking glances at each other. Every longing gaze, every subtle touch, made you want to go keep Adam company in hell. (A/n God said Adam and Eve, not throw Adam in hell and leave.)
Right now, you were standing next to Newt as he said goodbye to Tina. You tried to keep it together, you really did, but the minute Newt's hand reached out to softly tuck a piece of hair behind her ear you couldn't take it anymore. You mumbled a goodbye and swiftly made your way to the boat.
Of course you knew it wasn't Tina's fault, hell it wasn't anybody's fault. Yet you couldn't shake off the feeling of betrayal. Newt didn't belong to you, he didn't feel the same, but no matter how much you tried you couldn't help but think of how it could've been.

"Is everything alright?" Newt's soft voice snapped you out of your thoughts. You quickly wiped away the tears you hadn't even realised started falling.

"Of course I am." Cursing yourself for sounding so weak you turned your back to him.

"Just tell me what's wrong, love." He pleaded, gently putting his hand on your shoulder.

"Shouldn't Tina be the one you're calling love?" It came out before you could stop it, and you regretted it the minute it did.

"I'm sorry, I didn't..." But you didn't have an explanation for your outburst.

"Are-are you jealous?" His voice sounded pained and hurt.

"I'm sorry, Newt. It's just I've been in love with you for years, and you never noticed me, yet the minute some girl turns up and threatens the beasts we've worked so hard to protect, you're smitten. It hurts, it really does. But I know I can't force you to love me, it wouldn't be right." You didn't care about holding the tears in anymore.

"Y/n, I do love you." Newt whispered with glossy eyes.

"But not in the way I love you." He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, trying to find the right response, but you knew enough.

"I think I should go." You said as you walked through the door. For a while you just waited in front of the door, silently begging whoever was listening that he would open it and tell you he needed you. But he didn't, he didn't try to stop you from leaving. So you apperated to the first person that you could think of. The person who would always be there for you.
You walked up to the little cottage, hoping you were at the right address. Hesitantly you knocked on the dark brown wooden door. After what felt like hours the door finally opened.

"Hello Remus"

Sooooo this was absolutely not what I had in mind for this imagine but oh well... a part three is definitely coming unless I feel like being evil ;)
In other news, I'm doing a fantastic beasts group cosplay with friends and I'm so extremely excited! It's based on crimes of Grindelwald and I'll be Tina so if any of you know what she wears under that coat it would be reallyyy helpful 'cause right now it's just kinda a mix between Tina from the first movie and from the cog trailer... anyway this a/n is getting longer than the actual story so I hope you enjoyed it!

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