We Meet Again

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Zoey's P.O.V *Flashback*        

        "Liam give me back my barbie doll." My ten year old self said, as I chased Liam around the house, he had came over with his parents and he decided to take one of my barbie dolls while I was playing with it at the moment.

        "Never you have to catch me!" He yelled running into the kitchen. My idea was, since he is scared of spoons that I would get spoon and threaten him with it, only if he doesn't give me the toy back. Right now he was running around the kitchen table in a circle while I was going over to the drawer where the spoons were, I grabbed one and put it behind my back still chasing Liam around the table. 

         "Just give the barbie doll back and no one gets hurt." I said taking the spoon out from behind my back.

         "Okay, Okay, I surrender. Have the barbie just don't hurt me." Liam said handing the barbie back over to me.

          "Thanks, that's all I needed." I said grabbing the barbie. I put the spoon back and went back upstairs to my room to play with all the other dolls I had. I heard a little knock on my door as I got up and went to answer it.

          "Who is it? The barbie burglar?" I questioned waiting for an answer.

          "No, Its Liam, I wanted to know if you'd come play with me?" He responded, as I opened the door.

          "Alright, what do you wanna play?" I asked curiously.

          "I don't know, I just wanted someone to play with." He said. We thought for about a minute, before we both got an idea.

          "Football!" We yelled at the same time. We ran down the stairs and on the last step Liam fell down. I started laughing as he gave me a pouty look. He finally got up and we went outside, we played for a little bit, but then Liam had to go home. 

        He came over a lot, because his dad was my dads boss and they always had business to do. Me and Liam have been friends since I had moved here and now we were going to the same school. I think nothing will ruin our relationship, or I hope nothing ruins it.

*Flashback Over*

        I woke up to one of my memory's again, lately every morning I wake up to one. But this memory this morning was different, because like I said, 'I thought and hoped nothing would ruin are relationship.' Something did and you want to know what that something was, It was when he tried out for X-Factor the second time, I supported him all the way but after the show he was all big and famous. He never tried to call me or get a hold of me in anyway, he forgot about me, now he's all famous and has a girlfriend, he doesn't even care about little ole' me his childhood friend who supported him all the time. When he left I felt something for him, but I never though he felt the same way. I guess this is my life, my best friend forgetting me and having the time of his life, doing something he had always dreamed about.

      I finally got out of bed and went to the bathroom, I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and brushed my hair. I got dressed in polyvore. I felt like looking nice today, only because I feel like something big is going to happen today. I ran downstairs and noticed that I didn't have any food to eat, make note to buy groceries I decided to go to Starbucks's to get some coffee and a muffin. I got my keys and ran out the door, I went to go open my garage but then I decided I would just walk, its only five minutes away, so I started walking there. I finally reached Starbucks's and opened the door. 

       "Hello, What would you like to order?" The lady at the counter asked me.

       "I'll have a Carmel Macchiato and one of those muffins?" I said pointing to a banana nut muffin. 

        "Alright it will just be a few minutes." The lady said, as she put my order on the counter. I finally got my coffee and muffin, I decided that I wanted to go to the park and have breakfast there. When I reached the park I found a bench and sat there and started to eat my muffin. I felt a presence sit down next to me.

        "Do you mind if I sit hear?" A voice asked sounding quite familiar.

        "No, not at all." I said, as he sat down next to me. I finished eating my muffin, which was very delicious by the way. When I put the wrapper in the bag I looked up to see my one and only childhood friend, Liam.

         "Not to be rude or anything, but who are you?" I asked him.

         "Oh, my names Liam. What's your name?" He asked. Ouch that kinda hurt he didn't even remember me.

         "I'm surprised you don't remember me." I said looking away.

               "What do you mean? Am I suppose to know you?" He asked, as my eyes started to water.

         "Yes! Liam, you're so blind if you can't remember me, we've known each other since we were ten." I yelled, as tears streamed down my face.

          "Hmm... you can't be." He mumbled, as I looked at him. "You are! You're Zoey." He exclaimed, as I smiled slightly.

          "Yeah," I said quietly. 

          "I'm so sorry for everything, I tried to keep in contact but I couldn't." He rambled on.

          "Hey, it's okay, I gave up about two years ago, just forgive and forget. Anyways I have to be going." I said getting off the bench.

           "Can I have your number?" He asked, as I nodded writing it down and handing him the piece of paper. "I guess I'll see you around." He waved.

            "Bye Liam." I said walking back to my flat. I was right, I knew something big would happed and it did happen,  and who would've guessed it was seeing my old childhood friend. The rest of the day I just sat around doing nothing really, watched a couple of movies, ate pizza, you know the usual. It was finally ten thirty and I was getting really sleepy, so I decided to go to bed. I put on my pajamas and hopped in bed. Before I knew it I was off to sleep.


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