I'm in Love with Liam

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      When our lips met it was like I was floating on cloud nine, I felt fireworks, bombs, no, more like nuclear explosions in my stomach. This kiss was way different from Harry's kisses, this kiss was better. There is no way I'm going to get over Liam this way, but the way he was kissing me, It felt right. It's like we are supposed to be together. After about thirty seconds of kissing, he pulled away, leaving me dazed.

        "I'm sorry Zoey. I didn't mean to kiss you I was just in the moment." He told me. Ouch that kind of hurt. He probably didn't feel anything.

        "It's alright everyone makes mistakes." I said, as I stood up. "Um, I-I have to go." I stuttered as I ran off. I felt the tears start falling down my face. I ran all the way to the other side of the park and climbed up a tree, once I was in the tree I grabbed out my journal that I kept. I flipped to an open page and started to write.

        May 7th, 2013- Dear Journal, 

Well today was supposed to be Liam and I's best friend day. It started off great with me stealing Niall's gummy bears and making him get down on his knees to beg for them. He even called me awesome which I appreciated. Then Liam took us out to Starbucks and told me that El has an obsession with that place. We walked around for awhile just talking until he took me to his secret place. When we were at his secret place he told me to promise that I never tell anybody about where it is. I promised him that I would keep it a secret. We continued talking for awhile about stuff until he told me he loved me. I thought he meant it as a friend, but I guess not because when I turned my head around he was leaning in to kiss me. I leaned in to and when our lips met it was like one of those books you read when a prince kisses the princess. I felt like the only girl in the world, but when he pulled away he told me that he was just in the moment. I told him that everyone makes mistakes and then I left. It hurt what he told me, but I guess it's for the best. He has Danielle and I have Harry, but that doesn't mean I love Harry, because I don't. I'm in love with Liam Payne and he'll never love me back. The only reason I'm dating Harry is to get over Liam, but I know one thing for sure. I Zoey Adrianna West will never love anybody else, the way I love Liam James Payne. 

-Zoey Adrianna 

        I closed my journal before I got anymore tear drops on it. I was just sitting up in this tree crying for about a half an hour before I decided to get down. Once I was on the ground I start heading home. It's about a twenty minute walk, but I took couple of short-cuts. When I walked up the driveway of our house I see Zayn sitting outside on the bench. I walked over and sat right next to him.

        "What's got you so blue?" I asked as he turned his head.

        "Perrie thinks I'm cheating on her, because she read it in an article." He told me.

        "Aw, It will be alright believe me." I told him, as he rested his head on my shoulder.

        "I know, but I still can't believe she's believing the magazines and not me." He told me.

        "Well she should know how the paparazzi work, they make up stories to get peoples attention." I explained, as he nodded.

        "I know, but she just won't listen." He told me.

        "How about I talk to her. Just give me her number and I'll ask if she wants to go out for coffee tomorrow, and I'll talk to her." I told him.

        "Okay!" He chirped, as I handed him my phone so he could put her number in.

        "I'll talk to her tonight." I said, as he handed my phone back to me. 

        "Alright, but I have a question for you." He told me.

        "Shoot." I said.

        "Why were you crying? I can see the tear streaks on your face." He asked, as I froze.

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