You Just Got Burned

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    "I want to do something." Louis told us.

        "What do you want to do?" Niall asked.

        "Let's go to the park!" Louis screamed

        "Alright." I said hopping onto my feet as everyone agreed. We all grabbed our phones and headed out the door. I was walking next to Louis on the way to the park.

        "Why did you all of a sudden want to go to the park?" I asked him.

        "I want to play football." He said. 

        "Oh great, I don't even know how to play." I said.

        "I'll teach you as we play." He said, as we continued to walk. Once we got to the park Louis told them that we are going to play soccer. We decided that Louis and Niall would be the team captains. Louis had first choice.

        "Zoey." He said. 

        "Liam." Niall said.





        "Katie." Louis said, as she joined our team. "Alright, team get huddled up." Louis said clapping like a couch. "Okay, Harry and Dani you know what position you play. Now Katie I'm going to have you play defense, and Zoey your going to play middle fielder." Louis explained to us.

        "Okay!" Katie and I chirped.

        "Okay let's go." He said, as we ran out to the imaginary field. I was up in the middle with Niall, Liam put the ball down and ran to his position and someone yelled go. Niall stole the ball and was taking it down field while Louis was trying to steal the ball from him. Niall shot the ball towards the goal but Harry blocked.

        I had the ball and was going towards my teams goal. The score was 3-3. Niall was on my trail, once he got right next to me he stole the ball which caused me to fall down. I had a plan. I screamed and held my ankle as Niall stopped and turned around, he came running over to me.

        "Are you alright Zoey?" He asked.

       "I think I twisted my ankle." I lied.

       "Here, I'll help you up." He said, as he held out his hand. I took his hand and quickly ran over to the ball and took it down to my goal. I kicked it and Zayn missed it by about a foot. My team ran over to me and Louis put me on his shoulders.

       "That was pretty cool Zoey." Louis said with everyone agreeing.

       "Thanks." I smiled, as Niall came over to us still wonder stuck. 

        "Cheater." He said to me.

        "I'm not a cheater, I just played the game." I proclaimed, as everyone said 'oh'.

        "You just got burned." Zayn pointed out, as everyone laughed. We decided to go home and have a movie night. When we got home I ran upstairs into my room and grabbed some comfy clothes and went into the bathroom. I stripped off my original clothes and put my comfy clothes on, I also threw my hair up. Leaving me to look like, Polyvore. I headed downstairs and saw everyone down there in their pajamas. I sat next to Louis on the two seater. 

        "What movie our we watching?" I asked.

        "The Perks of Being a Wallflower." Dani chirped, as I nodded. She put the movie and Liam turned all the lights off. When the movie started I leaned my head on Louis' shoulder, he looked down and smiled, the first genuine smile I've seen since Eleanor was here.

       When the movie ended everyone was asleep, I felt my eyelids droop closed and the next thing I knew is that I was out.

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