She's Back

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*Skip a month. 1 days before the wedding*

        Everyone's been busy this last month trying to get ready for the wedding that's tomorrow. Today I'm going to get my hair done because honestly it looks horrible. Louis has been getting letters from Eleanor each week. She still isn't back and the wedding is tomorrow. Katie and Niall just celebrated their five month anniversary last week, I think they are just the cutest couple. There's nothing really to say about Liam and Dani, besides that I'm heartbroken. Seeing the person I love marring the wrong girl. Yes, I said love, I have admitted to myself that I love Liam, but it looks like he doesn't love me back. Harry's still single too, he said he just hasn't found the right girl yet. Zayn and Perrie went on a vacation to the Bahamas, because they just wanted some alone time. They came back last week and Perrie looked really tan, because she used to be so white. I guess that's all that happened this past month. 

        I woke up to something tapping at my window. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was three thirty in the morning. Who the hell could be tapping on my window at this time? I get out of bed and look out my window to see two people standing in the yard throwing pebbles at my window. I open my window, as they stop.

        "What the hell? Why are you throwing pebbles at my window?" I asked, as one just laughed.

        "Zoey, it's me Eleanor." She said in a familiar voice.

        "No way." I whispered, as I ran out of my room downstairs and out the back door. She was still standing where I left her looking up at my window. "El!" I yelled running over to her and embracing into a big hug.

        "Zoey!" She yelled hugging me back.

        "I missed you." I cooed.

        "I missed you, too." She chirped, as we let go of each other.

        "Who's this?" I asked motioning to the other girl.

        "Oh, this is April. I met her on the train and ever since then we have become good friends." She said.

        "Hi, my names April." April greeted, as she stuck out her hand.

        "Hi, my names Zoey." I greeted back ignoring her hand and hugging her. She was shocked at first but then hugged me back. 

        "How many months are you El?" I asked poking her stomach.

        "I'll be five months in about two weeks." She exclaimed happily.

        "Do you know what gender it is?" I asked.

        "No, I wanted Louis to be there with me when I find out." She said, as me and April just 'awed'. 

        "How cute." I cooed. 

        "I know right?" April smiled, as we gave each other hive fives. I heard the slider door open and someone or someones walk out with a bat. 

        "Who's out here?" They asked.

        "It's me Zoey." I said, as they dropped the bat. 

        "Why are you outside?" One asked, as I figured out that it was Harry.

        "Talking to some people." I told.

        "Well why don't you invite them in." He asked. 

        "Okay." I chirped, as I led El and April inside. When I walked into the living room I told them to stay in the kitchen for a minute. I then I walked into the living room it was just Harry, Louis, Niall, and Liam. Just the boys beside Zayn because he's probably sleeping.

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