That's All I got to Say

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    When I arrived at home I got of the car and shut the door behind me. I walked into the house to see everyone in the living room watching T.V and talking. I set my keys on the counter and walked into the living room. I sat down in between El and Dani.

        "I love your new hair." El gushed, as she was touching it.

        "I love it, too." Dani agreed.

        "Thanks guys." I smiled. 

        "Whoa. When did you get here Zoey?" Louis asked.

        "About two minutes ago. Why?" I asked him.

        "Well about two minutes ago nobody was sitting there." He joked, as I giggled.

        "I like your new hair." Liam complemented.

        "Thanks, I like it to." I said looking down trying to hide my red cheeks. El nudged me while I looked up at her.

        "I see you still like him." She whispered so Dani wouldn't hear. 

        "It's not like, it's more love." I whispered back, as she looked at me shocked. She grabbed my hand and led me into the kitchen. 

        "What did you just say?" She asked me.

        "I said, I don't just like him, I love him." I told her.

        "Are you serious?" She asked, as I just nodded.

        "Yeah, but it's to late now. He's getting married in like a day." I said.

        "But, do you still remember what I told you a couple months ago?" She asked, as I thought for a minute.

        "Yeah, I remember." I told her.

        "Well that's the only way your going to get him." She said. 

        "But, what if he doesn't love me back?" I asked.

        "There are no such things as what ifs." She assured me. "And I'm pretty sure he likes you back." 

        "Really, how do you know?" I asked.

        "By the way he looks at you." She said grabbing two water bottles from the fridge. She handed me one and sat we sat down on the stools. We continued talking about things like her pregnancy and some names that she likes for a baby. 

        "What is up lady's?" Niall and Louis asked walking into the kitchen. 

        "Nothing much just talking about girl things." I said. 

        "Like what?" Louis said in a girl voice. 

        "Giving birth and how you can push something the size of a watermelon out of your body." I said. Their facial expressions went from happy to disgusted.

        "Louis come on I don't want to a part of that conversation." Niall quickly said dragging him upstairs as El and I just cracked up laughing. 

        "You guys do know we have wedding rehearsals in like half an hour, right?" Dani asked coming into the kitchen.

        "Yes ma'am." I saluted, as El just laughed. 

        "Yeah, we know." El said trying to contain her laughter. Dani and the rest of the crew walked upstairs to get dress. El and I were already dressed so we didn't have any reason to go upstairs.

         "What's so damn funny?" I asked.

         "You." She said. 

         "Why, what did I do?" I asked.

         "Yes ma'am" She mocked me, as I just laughed. 

         "See." She pointed out. Everybody came downstairs in a matter of ten minutes.

         "Let's get going people." Louis said in a commander voice.

         "I'm taking all the girls." I said grabbing my keys. I walked out of the house to my car, as the girls followed behind me. I got in the drivers side of the car while Dani got in the passenger seat, the rest girls just got in the back. I backed the car out of the driveway, as Dani told me the directions to where the wedding was being held. 

          When we got to the place us girls got out of the car and waited for the guys to pull up, but we might have to wait because Louis is driving, and that boy drives slowly. They finally showed up and got out of their car. 

         "Finally what took you so long?" Katie asked, as the girls and I laughed.

         "Well, Louis here was driving and that's all I got to say." Zayn said, as we laughed. I was walking beside Perrie, as we were chatting about so random things. When we finally got in the building we all split into different groups. 

        When we all walked into the house it was about nine o' clock. I set my keys on the counter and headed upstairs. Once I made it to my room I quickly stripped off my clothes and put some pajamas on. I laid down on my bed and was almost asleep until April walked in and got into bed. I finally fell asleep at about nine thirty.

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