You got us Kicked Out?!?

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"Cause all I need is a beauty and a beeaat!" Someone screamed in my ear. I quickly opened my eyes to see Louis standing there smiling with my I-pod headphones in his ears.

        "Why do you have my I-pod?" I asked, as he just ignored me. Must have the volume all the way up, I reach my arm over to one of the ear buds and quickly yank it out of his ear.

        "Ow!" He yelled, as he grabs his ear. I just simply laughed.

        "Why do you have my I-pod?" I asked, as I got out of bed.

        "I wanted to see what kind of music you listen to." He simply replied.

        "Yeah, sure." I said nonchalantly, as I take my I-pod out of his hands. 

        "Most of its good beside the Justin Bieber." He gave me the look of disapproval. 

        "Hey, I only like his new album. I have both of your albums." I explained.

        "Your right, but still I'm gonna call you JB Lover." He stated. 

        "Well I'm still gonna call you Stripes." I replied to his comment. 

        "Okay." He chirped, as he walked out of the room. I put my I-pod on top of my dresser and walked out of the room, I walked down to the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar. I ripped the wrapper off and threw it away, I started munching on it as I sat down next to Liam at the dining table.

        "What's up?" I asked him.

        "Nothing much, how about you?" He asked.

        "Well I woke up to Louis screaming in my ear, he also stole my I-pod and was listening to it. Besides that nothing really." I replied, as I finished eating my granola bar.

        "Well that's Louis for ya." He chuckled.

        "I noticed." I giggled.

        "What time do you have dance class today?" He asked.

        "Nine thirty, why?' I asked.

        "I thinks its cool that you teach kids how to dance." He replied.

        "It' pretty fun." I said.

        "Do you have it tomorrow?" He asked, as I check the schedule on my phone.

        "Nope." I replied.

        "Do you want to have a best friends day tomorrow? Just you and me, nobody else." He asked, as I practically jump out of my seat.

        "I would love to." I said, as I hug him to death.

        "Then it's settled we are going to have a best friends day." He told me, as he gets up.

        "Okay!" I chirped. I looked over at the clock to see that it was, nine. I quickly ran upstairs and into my room. I grabbed some of my dancing clothes and took off my pajamas. I slipped on my dancing clothes and put my hair into a ponytail. Looking like this Polyvore. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs. I saw that everyone was in the living room and that's where my car keys are. I walked into the room trying not to get noticed. I quickly grabbed my keys and almost got out of the room. I heard a whistle and I turned around to see the boys all staring with their jaws dropped.

         "Close your mouth you'll catch fly's." I said, as I walked out of the room leaving them speechless. I grabbed a water bottle and filled it up. I grabbed everything and headed to the garage door. I opened it up and pressed the button to open the garage door. I got into my car and start it up, once I'm out of the garage I clicked the button to close the door. I backed out of the driveway and headed off. 

         I got to the dance studio and got out of my car. I headed inside, going to studio number three. Once I found it I saw some of the girls were already there with their moms. I got everything sorted out and all the parents headed out. In my class there were about seven girls. 

         "Let's get to know each other." I said, as I sat down in the middle of the room. The girls followed me and we all sat in a circle. "Okay, how about we say our names, age, and favorite color. Let's start with you." I pointed to the girl next to me.

         "My name's Megan, I'm seven years old, and my favorite color is green."

         Going around the circle, the rest of the girls introduced themselves.
                "My name is Alexis, I am eight years old, and my favorite color is purple."

         "My name is Hailey, I'm six years old, and my favorite color is pink."

         "My name is Jane, I'm only six years old, and my favorite color is orange."

         "My name is Mary, I am eight years old, and my favorite color is yellow."

         "My names Abby, I'm seven years old, and I like the color blue." She told us. I looked over at the little girl that was sitting next me, she looked nervous. 

         "Can you tell us about you?" I asked, as I poked her arm. She giggled which was so cute.

         "My name's Kendalyn, I'm only five years old, and my favorite color is the rainbow." She told us in the cutest voice.
         "Well, my name is Zoey West and I'm your dance teacher. You guys can call me Ms. Zoey. I'm twenty years old, and my favorite color is purple." I told them, as Alexis gives me a high five. 

         "I like your color choice." She told me.

         "No, I like your color choice." I told her, as we all laugh. This is going to be a fun group of girls.

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