I Love You, Mom

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*Beep Beep Beep*

        I glance over at the clock to see it is seven in the morning. I slowly picked my self out of bed and headed over to my dresser to grab some clothes. Once I got my clothes I open the door to my bathroom and turn the shower on. Once the shower is warm enough I hopped in. After I was done with my shower I put this on polyvore. I went downstairs to check the time. Eight Thirty, ugh, today is to slow for my liking. I grab a granola bar and head back upstairs to pack. I'm going to be gone for about two weeks, so I pack enough clothes, my toiletries, and last but not least my guitar. I walk back downstairs and walk to my car to put all my stuff in. Next I lock my house up, and get into my car then head off to the airport.

        When I finally arrive at the airport there was hardly anybody there. I grab my suitcase and my guitar. I get in and hand over my luggage to the people at the desk. When I was done with that, I went over to the security scanner, it scanned me, in which I was clear, and I was through. Once I was done with all that, I grab a coffee at a little coffee shop here. I glance over at the clock to see its about ten minutes til boarding. I grab out my phone and check my messages in the spare time. One new message, I click on it and open it to see:

        Good luck on your flight and wish your mom my best wishes. -Liam

        Thanks and I'll send her all the luck. -Zoey

        Once I'm done with my coffee, I throw it away.

        "Flight 243 now boarding." The lady on the intercom said. I grab my purse and head over. She scans my ticket and I walk down the pathway to the plane. Once I get on, I head to my seat. A few minutes later everybody is on. They turn on the dumb video about plane safety. Me being me, I don't pay attention and look out the window, the plane starts to take off while I drift off to sleep.

        I wake up and look out the window to see that we are close to the ground. Once the plane landed I got off and headed to pick up my luggage. When I had gathered all my luggage, I start to walk out of the entrance. I see my Aunt Sydney waving me over to her, I quickly pick up my speed. Once I'm close to here I drop all my things and engulf her into a huge hug.

        "Ah, I'm excited to see you." I exclaimed, as I hugged as tight as I could.

        "Me too, sweetheart, but we can't stay like this forever, I got a call this morning telling me that your mom is dying quicker than they expected. Today is her last day." Sydney told me, as a tear slipped out of her eye.

         "Then we can't be standing here I wanna see her." I proclaimed, as I picked up my luggage and threw it into the car. We piled into the car, we were going straight to the hospital. When we got to the hospital I hopped out of the car, but my foot slipped so I fell right on my bum. My Aunt got out of the car laughing.

         "Oh, shut up. Its not you never fell before." I giggled, as she just laughed harder. I finally got off the ground and dusted my self off. I opened the back door and grabbed my guitar. We headed to the entrance of the hospital. We reached the front desk.

          "What room is Mrs. West in?" I asked the lady.

          "Room 680." She told me. My Aunt and I headed over to the elevator and road the elevator up to floor six. I looked at the room numbers to find my mom's room. 678, 679, lastly 680. I looked at my Aunt and she just nodded her head. I walked up to the door and grabbed the handle to push it open. My hands were shaking so bad that I could barely hold the grip on the door. I finally opened the door and slowly walked over to my mom. Right now she was reading, she didn't really see me walk in. 

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