The Girl on the Train

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*Eleanor's P.O.V*

        I know what your thinking, 'Why did you leave?' Well I left because I just needed a break, it won't be a long break because, I told Zoey I would be back for Dani's wedding. So, that means I'll be coming back in about a month. I feel bad for just leaving Louis like that but I had to. I don't want to ruin his career just because of me getting pregnant. I'm just setting him free for a little while, because it's for the best, and because I love him. Right now, I'm two months pregnant and I have a slight bump, but not to noticeable. 

        I walked onto the train with my suitcase and my purse. I walked over to my seat and saw there was a girl sitting in the seat next to mine. I sat down and put my purse on my lap, she looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back at her and rested my head back onto the seat. The train ride is going to be about three hours, so I decided that I would sleep for a little bit. I closed my eyes and started to drift off.

        I woke up and checked my phone, about an hour to go. I looked over to left where the girl was sitting and saw her on her I-phone texting someone. I grabbed my water bottle out of my purse and took a sip before the girl said something.

        "Hi." She greeted, as she stuck out her hand.

        "Hi." I said back, taking her hand and shaking it. 

        "What's you name?" She asked me putting her phone in her purse. 

        "Eleanor, how about you?" I asked.

        "April." She said.

        "Where are you from April?" I asked criss-crossing my legs. 

        "Well I live in London, but I'm originally from Manchester. Where are you from?" She asked me.

        "Same." I said.

        "Why are you going to Manchester?" She asked.

        "To visit some family. How about you?" I asked.

        "Same." She answered. We continued talking until we got off the train, when we got off the train we exchanged phone numbers and said our goodbyes. I headed out and called for a taxi, one stopped in front of me and I got in.

        "Where are you headed?" The guy asked.

        "Can you take me to this address?" I asked handing him a piece of paper.

        "Sure thing, ma'am." He said, as he put the address in the GPS. He drove for about fifteen minutes before we were in front of an all to familiar house. I grabbed my purse and suitcase, when I got out I gave the man his money and said thanks. I walked up the walkway, once I made it to the door I knocked on it. I heard running down the stairs before the door opened. My sister opened the door and looked at me before she grabbed into a big hug.

        "Eleanor!" She screamed bringing me into the house.

        "Carly!" I yelled.

        "Why do you have a suitcase?" She asked looking at me worried.

         "Well you better sit down this going to be long story." I said as we both sat on the couch. "Okay about a month a go I wasn't feeling to good, I would always be throwing up and I wouldn't be acting myself. So, I went to the doctor and they did a few test and found out that I was a month and a half pregnant. I was happy at first and then came all these questions like, what if Louis doesn't want a baby, or what if he hates you because you got pregnant? So I had a plan. My best friend Zoey could tell that something was wrong with me, because she kept asking if I was alright and I always lied saying I was fine. So last night, I told her to come to my room and I told the whole story. I then told her that I needed a break and that I was coming here. She looked at me crazy, but she knew why. So, she took me to the train station and we said goodbye. I gave her a letter to give to Louis explaining everything. I then got on the train and now I'm here." I finished.

        "Wow..." She said. "Are you going back?" She asked. 

        "Yeah, a little bit before Dani's wedding." I said yawning.

        "Are you tired?" She asked.

        "Yeah, I only got two hours of sleep." I said.

        "You can sleep in the guest room." She said leading me upstairs. I walked into the room and plopped down right onto the bed. Carly left shutting the door behind her and before I knew it I was out.

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