6. Chillaxing

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Part – 6

"Travel Is The Only Thing You Buy That Makes You Richer"

Karthik's POV

I am back to my office after a week's long trip. I try to work as I have lot of work to catch up with but I couldn't focus on it as I keep on thinking about my holiday trip with my baby brat. In Sanjeev's words 'Chillaxing' trip... I should say that's a perfect blending of words. We really chilled & relaxed a lot during the trip keeping our minds away from our sorry mess.

Mithra & I had a great time like two old friends spending time together in isolated Islands. So many sweet memories we created which I will cherish and hold those special moments close to my heart. To tell the truth, this trip simply intensified my already heightened feelings for my Mithra.

I actually planned to keep the trip short for a day or two and to somewhere nearer to Mumbai so that my business won't get affected but Mithra really got excited about the trip & I really didn't have the heart to cut short the trip so I just carried away with her plan to keep her happy. f**k my business, nothing is important to me more than to bring a smile on my baby brat's face.

I was actually nervous to ask Mithra about a holiday trip but she completely took me by surprise by immediately accepting to it, in fact she was the one who chose the holiday destination, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, such a wise choice.

Andaman is one beautiful & romantic place, every couple should halt once in their life time at that place, it was so serene, calm & peaceful. Mithra & I really loved the people, the climate, the beaches, God! We came round & round of every single beach & we were jumping from island to island & not to forget the food. Yummy seafood! The taste of the cod, crab, prawns are still lingering in my taste bud.

"Yo dude, how was your trip? Hope you both had a great time? Hope Mithra enjoyed the trip?" I pick up Sanjeev's call & he didn't let me say a 'hi' but he shoots his series of questions.

"Hi, Sanjeev. How are you?" I ask politely.

"Oh man! When you learned the manners of giving pleasantries?" he asks with a mocking laugh. I can't help the smile creeping up on my lips. What he said is true. I never give pleasantries. I know only to issue orders, as I am use to it.

"Okay. We had a great time. Thanks to you for arranging everything in such a short notice" Yeah, Sanjeev did all the flight, accommodation, food arrangements & also a guide to take us to the best tourist spots.

"Ah that's fine, dude. I am happy you both enjoyed. Okay I will talk to you later. If possible I will come around to meet you & Mithra at your home"

"Sure" I say & hang up.

I open my laptop to check my work mails but my eyes catch a file on the desktop. Our photos from the trip. I couldn't help but open & see all our pictures we took together and few solo pics of Mithra & me which I have seen for more than thousand times. Soon I am taken back to the time we spent together in Andaman.

Day 1

We reached quite early at Port Blair Airport, Andaman & soon we checked into a posh five star hotel.

"Mithra, it's still so early in the morning so you can sleep & take rest for a while, I will wake you up by noon, then we can have lunch & go see some local places today" I tell her the day's plan. She didn't sleep well last night too in all the excitement of packing & then we had a late night flight to board. She needs her sleep or else she will be cranky all day.

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