38. In Flight Mode!

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Part - 38

"Jealousy Is Just A Sign That Shows How Much You Like, Care or Love Someone"

(Karthik's POV)

"Shit" I curse under my breath & roll off Mithra's body. I jump out of the bed & hurriedly pull my pants on.

"Karthik..." Mithra says sleepily & her hand reaches beside her. She frowns when she couldn't find me in bed.

"Get up" I pull her up by her arms & make her sit, forcefully. She snaps out of her sleep & looks at me blinking her eyes.

"I gotta go now. Bye" I take her head between my hands & kiss her lips soundly.

"Stay with me for 10 more minutes" she pleads with her puppy eyes.

"No! You said the same in the morning & I missed my morning flight. Not again!"

"Skip this night flight too and you can take tomorrow morning flight." she says with mischief twinkling in her eyes. I contemplate her suggestion for a moment before saying "No".

As much as her idea sounds appealing, I have a business to run so I need to go.

"Okay, I will see you out" she says, pouting & scoots out of the bed, draping the bed cover loosely around her naked body.

"Hey, wait." I stop her & scoop her dress in my hand from the floor. I throw the dress on her face. "Wear this & come"


"Don't ask questions. Just wear it, Mithra" I say impatiently. I'm already running late.

"Okay!" she pouts.

I intake sharply when she unceremoniously discards, the bed sheet draped around her body, on the floor.

"Why don't you use the bathroom or dressing room to change?" I yell at her without taking my eyes off of her.

"Why are you shouting at me, Karthik?" she asks innocently, clutching her dress closer to her chest which barely hides her treasure.

"Don't play innocent. I know what you are trying to do." I say & take the dress from her hand & dress her myself by slipping it over her head & zipping it up because I know she will flaunt her sexy naked body in front of me to tempt me & in the end I will lose my control & stay with her one more night like how I have been staying with her for the past two weeks in Melbourne.

Before her college started, we had two months time which we utilized productively by making arrangements for her visa & her shifting. We also spent as much time together as we can.

In spite of being busy with my Singapore project I managed to be with Mithra because we knew we won't get much time once she moved to Singapore.

We also managed to convince our parents though it wasn't easy as I expected. They threw hell lot of tantrums before reluctantly agreeing with us.

Then two weeks ago, I brought Mithra to Australia to get accustomed with this place.

"Well, baby, good luck for your new life. I will visit you whenever I can." I promise her. Then I take her face between my palms & claim her lips with mine. We both kiss slowly & sweetly, savoring each other. I break our kiss & rest my forehead on hers and try to calm our breathing.

"I love you, Mithra" I kiss her forehead.

"I love you, Karthik"


"Miss. Kelly, I am leaving now, take care of my Mithra" Miss. Kelly James is in her early forties, who will be looking after Mithra. She is a very sweet lady & I think Mithra has already jelled up well with her in this two weeks time.

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