34. Dream Come True!

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Part - 34

"Imagine Your Dream! Create Your Happiness! Live Your Life!"

(Writer's POV)

"Mithra... baby... Please stop doing this... It's a bad habit" Karthik coaxes her.

"No... No... No..." Mithra shakes her head.

"Baby will you stop showering yourself with sand?" He holds her hands firmly to stop doing that. Ever since she was a toddler, she has the habit of playing in beach sand but a little different play... she showers herself with sand & in worse cases she throws sand on the passerby.

"Ahhh... ahhha... Ahha..." She starts crying withering her legs & attempts to bite his wrist but before that he wisely let her hand go & saved his hand from her sharp bite.

"I want to play" she whines.

"Come let's play in water" he offers.

"No, I will get wet." She says with running nose. Seeing that Karthik kneels down next to her to wipes her nose with his shirt & taking the opportunity to revenge on him for forbidding her from playing in sand, she takes a handful of sand & throws the sand right on his face.

"What the hell you have done, baby brat?" He shouts at her while rubbing his eyes to clean the irritating dust.

"Brat means what, Karthik?" She asks sweetly as she scoots closer to him to blow on his eyes. That's the first time he called her 'Baby brat' ever in his life.

"Just go away, baby brat" he roars at her & pushes her away gently. She starts crying again in fear. Karthik feeling guilty for shouting at his baby, he pulls her in his arms to console her but she starts struggling & hitting him in protest.

"I am so sorry, baby. I promise to get you your favorite chocolate ice cream." he coos promising her. She finally stops struggling & settles on his lap as she plays with beach sand again and gives Karthik a sand bath.

"Baby? If you stop showering me with sand I will tell you an interesting game to play"

She shakes her head in negation not wanting to play any game other but sand showering. "Okay! You keep on throwing sand over your head or on whoever passes by you & earn their scolding. I will go play on my own"

"Karthik..." She whimpers. "I wanna play with you."

"I am not coming"

"Please..." she pleads.

"If you want to play with me then you will play the game I say" he orders.


"Let's play catch & catch"

"My legs will pain"

"Hmm... Let's play in water"

"No! No! Mumma told me not to get into the water... you know the waves will drag me into the sea" she says, scared.

"Okay fine. We'll play Frisbee?"

"No!" She says.

"Then what game you want to play? Or I should simply ask the driver to take us back home?"

"No! We just came to beach. We will play longer."

"And what's that you wanna play?"

"I want to play in sand"

Gah! This stubborn little girl will never give up.

"Okay. Let's build sand castle" Karthik declares.

My Baby Brat (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now