9. Missing You

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Part – 9

"I Keep Myself  Busy With The Things I Do But Every Time I Pause, I Still Think Of You"

(Mithra's POV)

"Karthik... please let me sleep" I mumble sleepily.

"Baby, wake up... you will get late to college" Karthik shakes my shoulder gently.

"Karthik... 2 more minutes... please" I say & bury my face into the pillow.

"How many '2 more minutes' you will take, Mithra? Your alarm is singing for every 10 minutes for the past one hour but still you have put it on snooze again. Come on get up & get ready, you sleepy head" he says again.

"No. I don't want to go to college." I say sleepily.

"What? You won't go to college? Why, Mithra?" I hear some voice deep in my sleep.

"I want to sleep, Karthik..."

"Mithra" I come awake rudely shaken up by my mom.

"Karthik... Mom" I sit up & look around my room.

"Still you didn't get used to the fact that you are in your house & Karthik is not with you to wake you up?" My mom asks me. Yeah it's been a month since Karthik left to Singapore but daily morning I dream of Karthik waking me up. I miss him.

"Here, your coffee" Mom hands me my coffee mug.

"Karthik makes the best coffee. He knows exactly how I like my coffee." I mutter to my mom. I like my coffee strong but my mom adds too much of milk & sugar & makes it yuck!

"He even knows you well more than you know yourself" My mom says with a sad sigh.

"Right, mom" I agree.

"Unlike you" she adds.

"What? I know my friend so well too."

"Oh really. Then you are fooling yourself. If you had known him well then you wouldn't have divorced him" she says angrily turning her face away from me.

"Mom, what's wrong with you & dad? Why you both are so cross on me since the day we got Divorce. No one in this world understands me better than my Karthik... only he understood why I asked for divorce and he didn't blame me like you all are doing now." I crib, placing the coffee mug on my side table & climb out of my bed & head straight to my bathroom grabbing my towel on my way.

I sit in the rear seat of the car & look outside through the window as my driver drives me to the college. I am unseeingly seeing the moving sceneries through the window as I let my mind waver. A small smile creeps up on my face remembering the first day of college my Karthik took me to drop there.

"Mithra, are you excited to start your college life?" he asks me while his eyes focusing hard on the road ahead.

"Yeah, Karthik. I am thrilled" I say smiling.

"You are not nervous right?" he asks.

"No, I am not. I am not 3 years old little kid joining first day school. I am a grown up girl so why should I be nervous?" I ask him with a smile. He worries a lot.

"I worry you will start crying like how you cried when you went to school for the first time. You gave a hard time to your parents on that day. You were the only kid who cried so much & created a racket. Finally I was able to stop your water works by giving my dairy milk chocolate to you. You owe me a dairy, you know" he says.

"I will get you a dairy milk silk today, Karthik" I say giggling & he smiles. Yeah, I vaguely remember my admission day in my school. Even Karthik had come along with us. Wherever he and his parents go they take me along with them & wherever we go we take Karthik with us. Karthik & I have spent most of our childhood together.

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