15. Confusion

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Part – 15

"Someday everything will make perfect sense so, for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears & keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason"

(Karthik's POV)

(Lines in Italics are Karthik's self thought / inner voice)

"Mithra..." I call her gently but she doesn't respond to me. She seems to be lost in thoughts.

When I came from work, I couldn't find her anywhere in the apartment. Sanjeev told me he was taking Deepa out for dinner & he even offered Mithra to go with them but she refused to go, so he asked me to take care her as she will be alone so I immediately shut my work & came in search of her & finally find her in terrace, sitting on the canopy swing not even realizing I am standing right in front of her.

"Baby" I softly call as I place my hand on her head & gently shake it to seek her attention.

"Karthik" she finally acknowledges my presence & smiles weakly at me. Then she shuffles over to let me sit beside her.

We both sit in silence for a while gazing at the lonely moon.

We both are sitting so close to each other yet we feel so far, so lonely.

I am used to this feel but I don't want Mithra to feel lonely ever. Loneliness is a deadly disease. It kills.

She is confused over some confusing feeling which I am well aware of. I need to talk to her & make her understand & clear her confusion.

"Confused?" I ask her. She turns sharply to my side & stares at me with her beautiful big eyes.

"Yes" she agrees.

"Hmm..." I hum & stretch my legs then bend it putting pressure on the floor to move the swing to & fro.

I feel her shiver when the cool breeze hit her soft skin. I pull my jacket off & wrap it around her shoulders. She gives me a 'thank you' smile.

"You remember what day is tomorrow?" Mithra asks me softly.

"Yes, I do" I say & run my finger through my hair.

The day which turned our lives upside down!

"Our second wedding anniversary" she says with a sweet smile. F**king wedding!

"Or our first divorce anniversary?" I retort. This is right!

"Karthik... I am sorry" why?

"You don't have to feel sorry for anything, baby"

"You won't ask me what gift I want this time..."

Whoa! Whoa! Dare I promise to give her anything? I learned my lesson.

"I don't have anything to give you, Mithra. You got your life time gift last year itself and that's your freedom from that awful marriage" I can't help but stress the word 'Awful'.

"You know what, Karthik, nothing can be more painful than throwing their own words at them." She smirks though hurt crinkling on the edge of her eyes. I really don't want to hurt her. I regret saying that. My poor baby, I am sorry.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, baby." I caress her cheek. She leans into my touch & I remove my hand. No, this is wrong! We are friends!

"No, Karthik. Now, I realize how much it would have hurt you when I said I want to get out of the awful marriage that time." Yes, it did pierce my heart!!

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