47. Baby In Process!

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Part - 47

"A Man Is Not Complete Until He Has Seen The Baby He Has Made"

(Karthik's POV)

"Mithra!" I call her before finding her in our bedroom sitting on our bed with her laptop on. "What my mother & yours told you?" I ask. She frowns, giving me a look that clearly shouts ‘Are you mad or what?’

"What exactly are you asking me now? Our moms have told a lot to me & in that what particular thing you are asking me?"

"About telling your pregnancy to others? Didn't they tell you to wait till you complete your first trimester before telling anyone?"

"Yeah & I didn't tell anyone." She says with a frown.

"Then what image you have on your Facebook cover page?" I ask raising my brow. It’s our baby's ultra sound scan she has kept as her cover image.

"Oh crap!" She cups her face with her palms.

"I forgot!" She lifts her head up and says in a contrite tone.

"Take it down. Now!" I command.

"But I like it." She says softly.

"I know, baby." I sit next to her & taking her hand in mine I plant a kiss on her little finger. "But our parents were very particular about this so let’s not defy them." I try to make her understand.

"Yeah, okay. But I don't think anyone will find out from my FB cover page that I am pregnant." She says coolly. I frown. How the fuck they won't find when the evidence is displayed so clearly?

"See, this." She shows me the image she has set as her cover image.

"What?" I ask.

"Look at it closely." She says. Why? I didn't get it but just concentrated on the picture. "Doesn't it look like a rock art?" She asks, her eyes twinkling with delight. Fuck! My baby doesn't look like a rock art, dammit. I want to scream at her but I control myself.

"Or ..." She studies the picture more to come up with something stupider this time.

"Or it looks like an asteroid" She says & giggles. Not funny!

"Or..." She thinks hard. Please don't tell me it looks like an alien then I will get a coronary attack. "Well, enough of your discovery. Just remove this picture & put something else. Maybe our wedding pic" I suggest.

"Alright" She grunts & changes her cover image… Well, not to our wedding pic as I suggested but to a pic of ours taken last night when we had gone to Purple Orchid Restaurant to celebrate our good news.


"Hello! Karthik…" I heard worry in Mithra’s voice when I attended her call.

"Mithu? You okay? You reached home? Or should I come to your office to pick you up?" I ask hurriedly. I told her to take some rest before resuming her work but she didn't listen to me. She stated that she was perfectly fine & even before finding out about her pregnancy she was working so she wanted everything to go normal & I reluctantly agreed to her wish.

“Karthik, um... My car broke down..."

"Where are you now? I will come there" I say & quickly grab my jacket & car key. She tells me she is in the outskirt of Mumbai. It's where the company’s warehouse is situated.

I don’t get why you need to bark when you have a dog at home?

She has people to do that job for her but why the fuck she opted to go by herself and do the warehouse inspection?

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