16. Enlightening

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Part 16

"If Kisses Were Snowflakes, I'd Send You A Blizzard"

(Mithra’s POV)

"Sanjeev... Sanjeev" I shake my hand in front of Sanjeev's face to turn his attention to me from the book he is reading.

"What?" he barks.

"Shhh... Don't shout, Deepa is sleeping" I remind him. We are now in the plane returning back to India.

Karthik came to see off us in the Airport. I felt so bad to leave him. I wanted to stay with him but I know I can't, not because my college's next term is starting in a week but because I need some clarity.

Karthik told me to not get confused with any silly notion but I don't think it's silly feeling like he said or guilt or attraction but something different. What's it? Love? I don't know but surely my feelings for him are deep, hard & strong.

I do feel guilty for divorcing him and I do feel guilty for seeding the fear of marriage in his heart.

He was right, I should have tried to work out our marriage but even now I feel the thought of seeing my Karthik as my husband is unsettling.

I thought if I divorced him, he will move on & get married to some other nice girl who will satisfy all his needs, who will love & care for him but no such thing happened.

Karthik distanced himself from me, from his family, forgot his happiness, forgot to live his life and became a workaholic. I did this to my Karthik and I feel terrible about that.

"What the f**k is your problem, little brat?" Sanjeev snarls.

"I want to ask you something?"


"What are the symptoms of 'LOVE'?" I ask him softly

"Symptoms?" he looks at me with ill-concealed disgust.

"Yes." I ask giving an innocent smile.

"Okay. Listen to me carefully." he says. I nod & sit straight to listen to him intently.

"Dizziness. Dizziness is the first symptom of love." He says.

"What?" I ask in shock.

"When you see the person you love you go week on your knees, you feel like you are floating in air. You go unsteady & lose your balance & that's why you keep hugging the person you love to over come the light-headedness. Do you have this symptom?" Sanjeev asks.

"I keep hugging him" I tell. "So I guess I do"

"Hmm... 'Fatigue' is also a symptom of love"


"When you are in love you will indulge in various physical exertion which will wear you out & you will feel so tired and sleepy & in dream also you will see only your love"

"I see him everywhere. Not only in my dream. But what to you mean by physical exertion?" I ask for clarity.

"Physical exertion can be classified into two. On bed & off bed" he says little excited about briefing me on that topic.

"Let's skips this chapter. Tell me the other symptoms" I tell quickly before he go in deep.

"Cravings" Sanjeev tells.

"Huh?" I don't think these are symptoms of love.

"Yes, you crave to see your love & keep him with you always"

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