20. Fools in Pool

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Part - 20

"Everything Which Is Done In The Present, Affects The Future By Consequence, And The Past By Redemption"

(Mithra's POV)

I march straight into my house biting my nail, lost in my storming thoughts.

I don't know what am I gonna do now to stop Karthik's marriage. I know he is no help to me this time as he has given his word to his mother so he will never disappoint her. He will definitely marry the girl his mom chooses for him.

Hmm... Will Radha aunty even consider me for her son? No! She is just being kind to me and treating me like her daughter like before but I know she is still angry with me for spoiling her son's life. Well, can I blame her? No! She is right at her place. She has the right to see her son happy, even I want that, always but Karthik loves me right? Then only I can make him happy, right?

If he had wanted he could have married anyone in the two years since our divorce but he didn't.

Even when I tried to hook him up with Nisha... God! I feel sick at my own skin when I think what all stupidity I did in the past & what all suffering Karthik had gone through because of me... but yeah, he didn't give a chance to Nisha, he always remained true to me because he was and he is always in love with me.

"Mithra..." My dad calls me, bringing me out of my reverie.

"Happy birthday, darling" he envelops me in his arms, I feel so calm & comfortable.

"Your mom & I were waiting for so long to see our baby girl & wish her but she totally forgot us" Dad pouts & I smile at him.

"When you are with Karthik you forget the whole world, don't you?" Dad asks

"He is my world, dad" I mutter softly. Cliché! I know but don't mind it because only now I started saying such clichéd romantic lines.

"Mithra, eat this" Suddenly from nowhere mom comes rushing to me & feeds me kheer.

"You like it?" she asks.

"I love it, Mom. Thanks" I smile & take the kheer bowl from her hand & settle myself on the couch to empty the bowl first.

"Did you enjoy your day?" Mom asks sitting beside me.

"Oh yeah" I say sarcastically. "So many shocking surprises" I smirk.

"Good" My dad smiles missing my sarcasm.

"Karthik is getting married" I tell softly.

"Yeah, Mohan was talking about that this morning. But he wasn't sure whether Karthik will agree or not"

"He agreed" I say as I slowly retrieve the spoon from my mouth. Damn! This kheer tastes too good.

"Oh really?" Mom asks in surprise. I nod.

"Thank God! At least now Radhaji will find some peace. She was so worried for her son. Even Your dad & I were feeling guilty for putting that nice boy in such a huge mess" yes, I am the 'huge mess' they are referring.

"Dad, I want to get married" I tell him placing the empty bowl on the tea table. Dad laughs.

"What's so funny, dad" I ask pissed. I am talking seriously but here he is laughing at me.

"You are so young. Mithra. You didn't even complete your college. We know when to get you married." he reasons.

"What? Me? Young? If you could please rewind to the time you got me married to Karthik I didn't even start my college then. I was young & immature then not now. I didn't even know the value of that pious relationship then. I messed up everything because of my immaturity, dad" I say gritting my teeth. I am not angry with my parents but with myself.

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