Kiss Me Under Neath The Moonlight -A Shawn Mendes Love Story-

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It's finally Christmas break! No school, Christmas and most of all, I'm going on the Magcon Tour with my brother, Taylor. Yes, Taylor Caniff. I've been in many of his vines, so they decided to let me go on tour with them.

'SOPHIA, HURRY UP! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR THE AIRPORT!" Taylor yelled up the stairway, thinking I was upstairs.

I laughed and walked right past him saying "I'm right here, you idiot".

He turned around and tried to play it off, cooly. "Yeah, I-I knew that" he replied. We both grabbed our bags and settled into Taylor's car. It was silent until we got halfway down the road. Then Taylor started blasting Justin Bieber. I shot him a weird look, and he busted out laughing. He turned the music down and said "Soph, I'm just gonna warn ya now. The boys will try to flirt with you. If any of them bother you, you tell me. No one is messing with my baby sister". I know Taylor doesn't seem like the type to really care about anything, but he's always been really protective over me. Mostly because I'm the only one who's usually always been there for him. We're all each other have.

When we got to the airport, we met up with the rest of the boys. "Hey guys, this is my sister Sophia. Don't fuck with her, okay?" Taylor said, staring directly at Nash and Cameron. I smacked his arm and all the guys laughed. When we were all settled at the gate, Nash noticed that we were missing three people. "Ah, wait here they come" Cam said. Then we see Matt, Aaron and Shawn running. "Hey guys! Sorry we were late, Aaron got us stuck in security" Matt said. Aaron gave Matt a 'seriously?' look. "Yeah Matthew, because I'm totally the one who's belt got stuck, even though I'm not wearing a belt" Aaron replied. Matt walked away and sat next to Hayes. 

Aaron and Shawn started talking when I walked over to Taylor. I somehow must've caught Shawn's eye. When I sat down, I saw him looking at me. He cracked a smile and looked back at Aaron. That smile got me. I've seen tons of Shawn's vines, and absoutley everything about him and his voice is perfect. 

When it was time to board the plane, we all had to find our seats, since we had different seats. I was walking up and down the isle, trying to find mine. When I finally found it, I took the window seat. I was sitting there alone for about five minutes, when I saw Shawn and Aaron walked past. Aaron looked at my seat number and said "aye man, here's your seat, next to Sophia". Shawn smiled at me and sat right next to me. 

"So we finally meet?" Shawn said. I gave him a confused look. He chuckled and said "I've seen you in Taylor's vine. You're even more beautiful in person". 

My heart started to race. My face turned red. I started to talk when Taylor, who was sitting behind us, reached over the seat and playfully smacked Shawn in the face. "Yo, guitar boy, stop flirting with my baby sister" Taylor yelled. Shawn looked over the seat and they both laughed. I looked over the seat, too. "Tay, it's fine" I said. Taylor gave me a 'whatever you say' look'. 

"I can tell he's very protective over you" Shawn said. 'You have no idea..." I replied. 

When the plane finally took off, Shawn and I talked the whole time. He's actually a really good person to talk to. I can feel a spark between us.

Am I starting to like Shawn?

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