Chapter 8.

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"Are you guys ready to go?" Shawn's dad asked us.

I looked at Shawn, confused. "Every New Years Eve, we go to Niagara Falls" he smiled. We put our coats on and went to the car. Of course, Aaliyah's friends piled on me. The ride wasn't as long as I thought it was going to be, because I was almost suffocating. It was extremley cold, so Shawn's mom brought blankets. Shawn put one around me and grabbed my hand. We walked down to the maid of the mist dock. Since the water was frozen, we couldn't go on the boat. I was still freezing, so he put his arms around me. I put my head on his warm chest, and put my arms infront of my chest. His mom started taking pictures, which was kinda weird. A little while passed and Taylor called me. I was still wrapped in Shawn's arms, so I didn't answer. "Hey guys! Five minutes until 2014!" Timera said.

"Soph, when the clock strikes midnight, they turn on the rainbow lights behind the water and fireworks go off" Shawn's dad said.

"Really? In Indiana, they don't do anything. I just usually stayed home with Taylor and watched the ball drop" I replied.

We heard the first firework go off, which meant that one more minute to go. Shawn let go of me, and grabbed my waist. He looked up at the sky to wait for the fireworks to go off. When they finally did, Shawn tightly wrapped his arms around me, and his lips hit mine. His parents also kissed. All of Aaliyah's friends 'aw'd'. When our lips let go, he looked straight into my eyes and smiled. "Happy New Years sweetheart" he said. I smiled at him and said "Happy New Years handsome". He kissed me again. Then, I got a call from Taylor.

"Whats up Taylor?" I said.

Aaliyah's friends looked at me.

"Happy New Years, Soph! I miss you!" he said.

"I miss you, too!".

"Did Shawn kiss you at midnight?".

I looked over at Shawn and smiled. "He sure did". Shawn smiled at me.

"Well, I just wanted to call you to wish you a happy new year. I'll let you go now" Taylor said.

"Okay. I love you, Taylor".

"I love you too, Soph. I'll see you soon, okay?".

We hung up and I walked back over to Shawn. We walked back to the car, and drove home.

I was so tired, so I said goodnight to everyone and went up to Shawn's room. I was bending down, going through my bag, when I stood up, and bumped into Shawn. He wrapped his arms around me. He closed the door with his foot, and picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him. He walked us over the bed and layed me down. He was in between my legs, when he started like grinding on me. His lips still glued to mine. I started to lift his sweatshirt off when he sat up, and took it off himself. He threw it on the floor. He continued to kiss me. He put his hand under my shirt, touching my stomach. His hand was ice cold, but I didn't care. He rolled me over ontop of him. I stopped kissing him. I sat up, on him. He put his hands on my waist and watched as I took my scarf off. He started to bite his lip, which totally turn me on. I took off my shirt, to reveal my tight tanktop. I bent down to kiss him again. Right before he could take off his shirt, someone knocked on the door. I jumped off him and fell onto the floor. I grabbed his sweatshirt and put it on. I walked over to the door and Shawn was still laying on the bed. I opened the door to find Timera. "We wanted to know if you guys wanted to come watch a movie with us?" she asked. I looked back at Shawn and he gentley shook his head no. "Um, I'm really tired. Tomorrow I will?" I replied. Timera grinned and walked back downstairs. 

I closed the door and walked back over to Shawn. I took the sweatshirt off and layed down next to him. He got ontop of me, in his grinding position again. He ran his fingers thru my hair and said "you are so beautiful". I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

This was perfect.

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