Chapter 20.

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I pushed Cameron off me, and he looked at me, confused. "I-I'm sorry Cam, I just can't do this right now" I said, getting off the bed. I walked over near the bathroom, and Cameron pushed me up against the wall. 

I realized what he was doing. He wanted to be rough, and I was going to play hard to get. "We don't have to get down and dirty, just rough" he cracked a smile. I bit my lip, starting to lose my balance. I had my left foot on the wall, Cameron grabbed my leg. 

He was being the good kind of belligerent. His lips smashed into mine, and he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, as he pushed me up against the wall. I had my left hand wrapped around his neck and my right hand running through his hair. Cam walked us over to the bed, and like dropped me. I moved up and put my head on a pillow. Cameron got ontop of me again. But, not kissing. He layed on my chest and stared into my eyes.

"What?" I asked him.

"You have no idea, how long I've been waiting for this to happen. To be in the arms of such a beautiful girl. Actually to be in your arms. I've liked you for, forever" He said.

He is such a sweetheart. I'm starting to fall for him even harder. The thing is, Shawn still has my heart and always will. Cameron was getting my mind off things, so I guess I was just going to let it happen.

Right before Cam and I were about to kiss again, someone knocked on the door. I guess I'm not so surprised.. I always get disturbed. Cam quickly got off me, as Taylor walked in. He stopped and stared at us for a second. Cam and I smiled at each other. "Well... anyways, do you guys wanna go out for dinner?" Taylor asked.

We agreed and Cameron put his shirt back on, then we put our coats on.

When we were driving to the resturant, I was sitting next to Cam. He looked at me and smiled. "What?" I asked him.

He opened his coat pocket and pulled out tickets to something. He handed them to me.

"Oh my god, Cameron!" I said, trying to keep my cool.


"Why'd you- HOW'D you get these?!" I added.

"Well, Nash and I did a video with him a couple days ago, and I remember Taylor had told me that Austin was your celebrity crush, and he hooked me up with tickets AND-" he said.

''Oh my fricken god, Cam, no!" I said, loudly.

Cam pulled out backstage passes. I lost it. I screamed. I started shaking and everyone laughed at me.

"CAMERON, I LOVE YOU!! I'M DEFINITELY TAKING YOU!!" I yelled, as I pulled Cameron in for a hug.

I looked at the tickets to see that the concert was in Chino Hills, California and it was in two days.

I looked up at Cam to see a giant smile on his face. "You have no problem on coming home with me, right?" he asked.

"NO!!" I didn't even hesitate. 

The rest of the night was just a blur, because I was too excited about to the concert.

The next morning I woke up in an empty room. I thought Cameron would've stayed with me.

My phone buzzed, and it looked like I was looking right into the sun.

From Taylor: soph, we're leaving for the airport in 20 mins. be ready and meet us down in the lobby.

I shot up, out of bed and threw on a sun dress and a sweater. I brushed my hair and teeth and packed my suitcase. I ran down to the lobby to find everyone waiting. "Finally!" Taylor said. Cameron smiled at me and grabbed my bag. "We all have different flights, and yours and Cam's is first" Nash said. I nodded my head okay.

I hugged everyone goodbye. On our way to the airport, I was trying to keep my cool. BUT I CAN'T! I'M SEEING AUSTIN MAHONE TOMORROW! "My family is really excited to meet you!" Cameron said.

"I can't wait!' I replied.

Cam smirked at me and looked back at the road. 

The airport was the same old routine. Bag drop-off, security, gate, boarding and the flight went faster than I thought it would've. Or maybe because I fell asleep, on Cameron's shoulder.

Because before I knew it, we met Cam's mom in the parking lot. "You must be Sophia!" she said, pulling me in for a hug. "I've heard a lot about you" she added, smirking at Cameron.

On the way back to Cameron's house, I started to think about Shawn. I have no idea why. I just don't feel right. I feel like something is going to happen, and I don't know what. Which really scares me.

"Soph, are you okay?" Cam asked. Which made me snap out of my day dream. I re-postioned myself in my seat and nodded my head, yes. 

I stared out the window and went back into my day dream. But this time, it wasn't about Shawn. It was about Cameron. Am I here just as a friend? Or, does he wanna take things higher, soon?

I told Shawn we'd have a future. I do want him back, but I'm not ready for a relationship right now.

When we got to Cam's house, his dog, Jake, ran out and jumped on me. It didn't bother me, but Cameron's mom yelled at Jake anyways. I walked over to the trunk and Cameron refused to give me my bag. "No, I got it" he smiled. He walked inside, and I followed him. We walked up to his room, and Cameron dropped our bags, then flopped right on his bed. I walked into the middle of the room and folded my arms. Cam sat up and looked at me. "Are you sure, you're okay?" he asked me. "Ye-yeah I'm fine" I said.

How was I supposed to say I was upset about Shawn? I mean I'm at CAMERON'S house. I just tried to forget about it and play it off like nothing happened. Cameron stood up, then walked over to me. He put his hands on my waist, and I looked up into his eyes. His gorgeous, brown eyes. I wanted to kiss him so badly. But, I felt as if, it was wrong. I feel so safe in his arms, though. 

NO. Shawn is my main priority. I backed away and put my hands on my hips. "You can tell me what's wrong, Sophia" Cameron said.

I figured it would be good to just tell him how I was feeling, instead of letting it kill me inside. 

"It's just- this whole Shawn situation is making me upset. I mean I'm really happy with you. Really, REALLY happy. But, I just don't know why everything is bothering me so badly. I love you both, to death. But, my heart is just telling me both. But now that I'm here with you, I'm thinking it's you" I paced back and forth.


Usually, I have Taylor to help me. He always has the right thing to say.

I started to cry and Cameron pulled me into a hug. I cried into his chest, saying "Cameron, I am sorry this had to happen right now, right when we get here! I am so sorry, I'm so confused!". Cameron layed his head ontop of mine. "Shhh, Sophia, it's perfectly fine! No need to apologize! I know you're upset about this, and I'll be here to help you through this!" he said, rubbing my back.

I pulled away and looked at Cameron. He smiled at me. Like the kind of smile you give the person you're in love with. I know because Shawn used to look at me that way. "Now, stop crying. Someone as beautiful as you, should be the one breaking hearts and making people cry. Not the other way around. I love you, Sophia".

He's so perfect.

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