Chapter 27.

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I literally just walked away with those words. I was not going to deal with this all weekend. I came to have fun. Cameron told me to avoid Shawn, because I had thought he was bringing Lauren. But, maybe Cameron is the one I needed to avoid. I couldn't, though. He's so in love with me, he doesn't stop. I do love Cameron. But, I really, really love Shawn.

I pulled Taylor aside. "Tay, maybe I should just go home. I'm not dealing with this shit all weekend.. I'm just going to go back to the hotel, pack my things and go home, okay?".

Taylor tried stopping me, but I just pushed myself away. Why is this bothering me so much? Maybe I'm just tired of being treated like I'm some Olympic gold medal, where people just wants me but not everyone can have me, no matter how hard they try. I'm a seventeen year old girl, about to graduate high school, who needs to pull her head together and focus on her boyfriend, Shawn Mendes. Not Carter Reynolds, Jack Gilinsky, Jacob Whitesides, Lennie Parker or Cameron Dallas.

I got into the car and drove off, not saying bye to anyone but Taylor. On the way home, I started to think. Why should I let this ruin my weekend in California? Just because Cameron got jealous, I have to turn into some weirdo? No. I'm not going to let it happen. When I got to the hotel, I heard my dad's voice. I walked up behind the man that sounded like him, and tapped his shoulder. He turned around. It was him!

"Hey, Soph!" he smiled.

"What are you doing here?!" I asked.

"Well, Taylor told me I should be more involved in your guys' lives. So, why not come to ragcon?".

I laughed. "It's magcon", putting the emphasis on 'mag'.

"Also I wanted to meet this Shawn boy that broke your heart for that other girl".

"Oh, yeah, about that. We got back together!".

He didn't look too thrilled. He started to say something, when we heard Taylor. I turned around and Taylor walked over to us.

"Aye, I thought you were leaving?" Taylor put his arm around my shoulder.

"I decided to stay. Not gonna let anything ruin my weekend".

With that said, Shawn walked over. Taylor pulled his arm away, and Shawn placed his around me. My dad looked at me, then Shawn, then back at me.

"Oh yeah, this is Shawn" I said, acting like I was avoiding something when I really wasn't.

"You must be Mr. Caniff" Shawn put his hand out.

My dad grabbed Shawn's hand and shook it, then pulled right away.

"Well, now I see where Taylor and Sophia get their good looks from" Shawn added.

My dad has the facial structure of George Clooney, and the attitude of Johnny Depp. He was basically a sarcastic workaholic. People say Taylor and I looked just like him. I mean, I do have the same cheekbones as him but my mom who could be twins with Scarlett Johansen, I look nothing like her. Me and her were never close. She payed more attention to drugs and Andre more than she did her first borns who need her the most.

I tried to keep my chuckle in. My dad smiled at Shawn. "Hey, I like you".

"Yeah, I like him, too" I mumbled.

Shawn smiled at me. "Well, why don't the four of us go get some dinner?" my dad suggested.

"Actually dad, I'm gonna stay here with the boys" Taylor pointed his thumb towards Nash and Carter.

"Alright then...".

Shawn and I held hands all the way to the rental car. We drove to Applebee's and immediately got seated.

"So, Shawn. What made you start liking Sophia?" my dad asked Shawn.

"Well, I had seen her in Taylor's vines and Taylor always talked about her, and I guess it was one of those 'celebrity crushes', I'd say. Like she was beautiful, but I wouldn't say I was totally in love (yet). Then, I had met her on the plane going to D.C., and we started talking and I was like "woah, she's like perfect. I gotta have her" and I guess my feelings blew up. And honestly, I'm very lucky to have her as my girlfriend."

I started to blush and giggle.

"She's nothing like, Taylor, huh?."

I face palmed.

"She's not as wild when she's not around him, but when they are together, they just go insane."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure you're aware of why they are so close."

"Yeah, and I met the reasons why."

"Taylor's my best friend" I added in.

There was a moment of silence.

"Do you plan on having children?" my dad asked.

"WOAH, WOAH! STOP!" I objected.

"No, no it's fine" Shawn pleaded. "Someday yes, I would like to have kids. But right now, I'm just focusing on music, school and Sophia."

I started to think about the pregnancy scare I had a couple weeks ago. I don't know if I should tell him about it because he doesn't even know I'm having sex yet. Well, once.

After we all finished eating, we went back to the hotel. That's when I got the call that would change the whole weekend. It was from Lennie.

"Hey, Lennie! What's up?" I asked.

"Aye, I'm in San Francisco for Magcon because my sister got tickets. Wanna meet up?" he replied.

"Yeah. I'll meet you at Starbucks in ten minutes".

"Well, I'm actually down the lobby of the hotel".

I hung up and ran downstairs. The boys ran after me.

I saw Lennie, and ran over to him. "You flew all the way from Princeton to be in San Fran?" I asked.

Lennie shook his head, yes. I looked over at his sister who had an amazed look on her face.

"You must be Violet. I've heard a lot about you" I said.

Yeah, and you're Sophia Caniff!" she nearly screamed.

"That's me!" I smiled. I pulled her in for a hug. She was almost taller than me.

Lennie looked over and waved.

"Aye, Cameron!" he yelled.

"Shit" I mumbled.

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