Chapter 21.

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The rest of the night, was just relaxing. I know Cam was trying his best to keep my mind off things. It was working, for the most part atleast. I started to really miss Taylor. I guess maybe because, I never really spend time with him anymore. I miss it, being just Taylor and Sophia. I decided to call him. "Um please excuse me, I have to take this call" I said, standing up. I ran upstairs to Cameron's room and shut the door. I called Taylor, and it didn't even ring more than three times before he answered.

"Hey, Soph. What's up?" he said.

I paused for a second. "I miss you, Taylor" I replied.

"Haha, I miss you too" he said in a sarcastic voice.

"No Taylor, I'm serious. I never hangout with you anymore and we barely talk anymore. I just really miss you".

It was silent for a good twenty seconds.

"Hello?" I said.

"Yeah, sorry. I really miss you, too. Yeah I guess we've been kinda distant".

"But, you'll be home soon. But for now, go hang with Cameron" Taylor added.


"I love you, Sophia. And always will".


I hung up and sat down on Cameron's bed. Taylor acted like he didn't even care. Which really hurt. Then, I got a strange urge to call Shawn... so I did.

"Hello?" he said.

"Hey! What's up?" I asked, happily.

"Oh nothing. Just playin' guitar, the usual".

"I really miss you, Shawn".

"You have no idea how much I miss you, Sophia".

"I just feel horrible for yesterday".

"It's okay, babe. I understand you needed space. But I want you to know that I love you, and I'll always be here for you".

That put a giant smile on my face. It felt great talking to Shawn. It felt like a great big weight was lifted off my chest. I'm still crazy about him. His voice just sounds so perfect. I miss hearing it in person.

"Well, I have to go now.. I love you" Shawn said.

"I love you, too" I replied.

We hung up and I started freaking out. Like a girl does when their crush texts them for the first time. I had the butterflies and the racing heart. And I'm sure my face was as bright as a new stop sign. He makes me happier than anyone will ever realize. And always will no matter what happens between us.

I ran back downstairs and sat in my seat. I'm almost positive I was still blushing, because my face felt like it had a heating pad on it. Cameron saw that I was blushing and looked like he got upset. He started playing with his thumbs, like a person does when they're upset.

"C'mon, let's go upstairs" I suggested.

Cam just shook his head and stood up. He walked upstairs, while I followed him. When I closed the door, that's when he freaked out.

"So, you were talking to Shawn?" he blurted out.

"Um.." I sorta questioned.

"You're blushing. And you said you still like Shawn, and you were up here for a while".

"Cam, I am so sorry!".

"No. No! NO! Stop saying sorry, Sophia! You literally have no reason how much I like you! I'm beyond crazy about you! You know those flirty tweets I'm always doing? Their all to you!".

I backed up a step. I've never seen Cameron like this, before. So upset and so much more jealous. 

"Everytime I hear your voice, I feel like I'm falling in love all over again. I've never felt this way about anybody" Cam added.

I walked up to him, and kissed him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. 

When our lips let go, I stared into his sparkling brown eyes. "I really do like you, Cam. I'm just not ready" I said. "I know. I'm sorry, I overreacted. Let's just forget and go to bed" he said.

The next day, IT WAS THE DAY OF THE CONCERT! I woke up and shook Cam to wake up. "CAMERON, WAKE UP! IT'S THE DAY OF THE CONCERT!!" I yelled. He rubbed his eyes and smiled. "I can tell you're excited" he laughed. "I CAN'T WAIT!" I replied.

I got out of the bed and grabbed my bag. I ran into the bathroom to take a shower. I threw on a pair of jean shorts since it was going to be high eighties today. I forgot my Austin shirt in Princeton. Of course, I did. I just wore a white, ruffled tanktop and curled my hair. I ran back into Cam's room to see him laying in bed, dressed. "Are your ready? We got a long drive" he asked.

"I'm so upset! I forgot my Austin shirt at home!" I gave the puppy face.

"Awh, we'll we can get you one at the concert! Let's go!" Cameron smirked.

My ticket said Chino Hills, but we ended up in Los Angeles. When we were all parked and ready, I almost fell getting out of the car. Cam started laughing at me, and I grabbed his hand. On the way to the gate, we got stopped by at least twenty girls, crying over Cameron. They were all over him and for some reason, I was getting really mad. Jealous mad. Until they all ran over to me. "Aren't you, Sophia Caniff?!" one girl asked me.

"Yeah, hi" I smiled and waved.

"OH MY GOD! IT'S SOPHIA CANIFF!" the girl screamed. Every girl nearly tackled me.

"Wow! You're even prettier in person!" one girl said, right in my face. I just went quickly and took pictures with them. When they all ran away squealing, Cam and I finally got into the arena. "Now, let's go meet Austin!" Cameron smiled. I started to have a seizure. "I thought that was after the concert!" I squeaked. "He texted me telling me to come in before, too" he replied.

Cam grabbed my hand and we walked backstage with a security guard. When I spotted Austin, my eyes started tearing up. Cam called Austin, and he looked back. Austin smiled and I started flipping. We walked over to him, and Cameron said "this is Sophia!". Austin smiled at me and my heart melted. He pulled me in for a long, tight hug. I legit couldn't contain myself and started crying. My lungs collapsed, I swear to fricken god.


But I do hope to be able to hangout backstage at one of Shawn's concerts in the future. My rising star.

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