Chapter 5.

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He pulled his lips off mine and looked right into my eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"No, I'm just going to miss you when we all leave. I just wish you could come back with me" Shawn said.

"Well, Taylor is going to Carter's for New Years. So, why I don't I go home with you?".

"Would you really?".

"Of course! I wanna meet your adorable little sister".

"My cousin is going to freak when she meets you. She's in love with Taylor".

We both laughed, and right before we were about to kiss again, Taylor walked in. Shawn jumped off me and Taylor walked over to his bed. He didn't say a word. He came in and grabbed his water bottle. As he walked out the door, he yelled "DON'T KNOCK HER UP!".

Shawn and I just cracked up for about a good ten minutes.

The next day, it was time to leave. We all woke up and packed our bags. We all left at different times. I hugged Taylor goodbye. I didn't want him to go. I was gonna miss him so much. But I was excited to go with Shawn.

When we got to the airport, it took forever to get through security. When we got to the gate, it was already boarding. We had to run.

When we got settled on the plane, I was finally able to relax. I texted Taylor basically the whole flight. Shawn and I talked the whole time too. I feel literally so comfortable around him, that I can actually be myself. The flight actually went by pretty fast because last thing I knew, we landed. When we unboarded, Shawn's little sister, Aaliyah and his cousin Timera, ran up to us. Timera started freaking out when she saw me.


I chuckled and said "you must be Timera".

She looked like she was going to cry. She seemed like a major fangirl.

Shawn grabbed my hand and we walked over to his mom. He introduced us, and she hugged me. I thought it was a bit strange, but who cares. "Why don't you all get a picture with each other?" Shawn's mom suggested. We all agreed. Shawn wrapped one arm around me, and one around Aaliyah. Timera put her arm around me, and I did the same to her. Shawn's mom took the picture with his phone, so he could put it on instagram and everything else.

I got a notification right away. The caption is what got me. 

"Just got home from Magcon. New Years with my favorite girl in the whole world, and the family. Couldn't ask for better <3".

"So, I'm your favorite girl?" I asked Shawn.

"Are you surprised?" he winked.

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