Chapter 18.

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On the way home, Shawn's phone rang.

"Oh hey, Cam" he said.

They had like a five minute conversation and then hung up.

"What did Cameron want?" I asked Shawn.

"They're coming over. Taylor has Brooke with him!" he replied.

Oh my god, yay! I haven't seen Brooke since Nashville. Plus, it feels weird being the only girl in the house.

"But, they want us to meet them at the hospital" Shawn said.

I sighed and slouched back in my seat. "Fine.." I said.

When we pulled into the parking lot, the boys and Brooke were already there. Brooke was wrapped up in Taylor's arms. When I got out, she ran over and hugged me. "I haven't seen you in forever! I missed you!" she said.

"I know! Thank god you're here! I have some stuff to tell you!" I replied.

She smiled and Taylor came over, and grabbed her hand. Shawn grabbed my hand, and we all walked into the hospital.

When we got into my mom's room, we saw that Andre was there. Taylor and Andre don't particually get along. "Hey guys!" my mom said with a smile on her face.

Andre looked back to see me and Taylor, and lost it.

"What the hell is Taylor doing here?!" Andre yelled.

Everyone ignored him and he walked over to Taylor. "I don't want you here. None of us like you, so why don't you just get the hell out and leave us alone!" he screamed Taylor's face.

I let go of Shawn and walked over to them. I pushed Andre off Taylor. "I happen to love Taylor, THANK YOU! How about no one likes you! Say shit about my brother again, I dare you. We were all fine until you jumped into the picture! You're a junkie asshole who needs to just leave!".

My mom yelled at me to stop. "You're not going to do anything about us?!" I asked her.

She looked away and Andre smiled at me.

"Don't call me again, forget about us" I stormed off. Taylor and everyone ran after to me. When we got outside, I ran to the car. Shawn ran after me. He grabbed my shoulder, turned me around me pulled me in for a hug. Taylor walked up and said "thanks for doing that in there, Soph". I pulled away from Shawn and started laughing.

"Do you understand how this is funny?" Nash asked Cameron. Cameron nodded his head, no.

"It's just funny how he's the whole reason why we hate our mom. She never stuck up for us. Andre tried to molest me when I was thirteen. Taylor walked in just in time. I want them out of my life and I hate how they have to ruin everything and cause us to get upset" I said.

I didn't shed one tear, and I didn't even get the urge to.

When we got home later, the boys were playing video games and I was sitting up in Shawn's room with Brooke.

"Taylor really likes you, I hope you realize" I said.

"I know, he tells me everyday how much I mean to him and how much he loves me. It's so cute" Brooke blushed.

"And Shawn really LOVES you" she added.

"Oh god, I know. He's just the cutest, biggest mush you'll ever meet. Like I'll get mad at him about something, which rarely happens, and he sends me long, cute texts telling me how sorry he is and how much he loves me, and it's like I fall in love with him all over again" I said.

"I bet that didn't happen last night. Taylor told me what happened".

"Ashley? She's just a bitch who tried breaking us up. Shawn FREAKED out on her".

"Well, he's got one girl after him. You have Cam, Carter and Jack G after you".


"According to Taylor, he does. He's a dime, too".

Taylor ran upstairs and told Brooke that they had to go. We went downstairs and the boys and Brooke put on their jackets and hugged me. When they left, Shawn and I snuggled up and he put in Bridesmaids. 

"You're lucky I love you so much to be watching a chick flick" Shawn said.

I started laughing. "What's so funny?" he asked me.

"You're just so cute" I said. Right before he was about to kiss me, I shot up from a really bad cramp.

"What's wrong, babe?" Shawn asked.

"Nothing. I just got a really bad cramp, and I feel like I'm going to throw up" I replied.

I covered my mouth and ran up to the bathroom. I sat there for about a good fifteen seconds until I actually vomited. This has never happened when I was on my period. I'm bleeding, so I can't be pregnant. I know it's not from my surgery. Now, I'm really scared.

I yelled for Shawn and he ran upstairs. I flushed the toilet, put the toilet cover down and wiped my mouth off with a piece of toilet paper. Shawn helped me up and I sat on the toilet. He kneeled down infront of me and grabbed my hand.

"Soph, what's going on?" he asked me.

"I don't know! This has never happened, before. I know it's not from my surgery!" I said.

He looked at me, and I could see fear growing in his eyes. "Are you pregnant...?" he said, softly.

"NO! I'm bleeding, so that's like impossible!" I replied.

"You may wanna make sure on that, Sophia".

"Okay fine, I'll make a doctors appointment tomorrow".

"But, what if you are... you know?".

"Its a one hundred percent chance, I'm not".

Shawn and I stood up, and walked into his room. We changed into our pajamas. I started to become really nervous about tomorrow, I didn't sleep at all that night. Even though, Shawn slept just fine.

I got out of bed at about eight, and woke Shawn up.

"C'mon, we have to go urgent care! I wanna know" I said.

I got dressed in sweatpants and a black and white baseball t-shirt. While Shawn was getting dressed, I was downstairs, trying to keep calm and putting my shoes on. When Shawn came downstairs, he slipped his shoes on and threw on his jacket. When we got into the car, I said "I just hope nothing serious is wrong with me". Shawn looked at me and smiled. "Maybe it's just the stomach flu" he said.

I took a deep breath and pulled out of the drive way. When we got to urgent care, they took me right in. They took blood work, and did some other test. Shawn and I were sitting in the exam room for about twenty minutes, until the doctor came in.

"Well, Ms. Caniff".

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