Chapter 17.

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Everyone looked at Shawn. He looked at me and I backed away.

"Soph, come on" he said.

"No, she's trying to ruin our relationship!" I replied.

Ashely laughed and said "it's not my fault I'm better than you and I'm so much prettier than you!".

"Excuse me, Ashley. I don't know who you think you are, but Sophia happens to be the most beautiful girl in the world, to me. You are my FRIEND. I don't like you, the way I like Sophia! So, just back off" Shawn yelled.

My jaw dropped, as well as the other boys'. "Shawn" Ashley started to say before Shawn interrupted her.

"No, Ashley. I know your game, you've done it to my other friends. Stop, and find yourself a happy relationship. Because I am already in a perfect one!" Shawn said.

He put his arm around me and Ashley stormed off.

"You'll always be my girl, no matter what" he said, before kissing my head.

I looked over at Taylor, so see him smiling.

Cameron didn't talk, but he did text me. "You're an amazing girl Soph, and Shawn really deserves you. I hope we can still be best friends?" it read.

I smiled at him and he got the biggest smile on his face.

"Well, why don't we call it a night? For real, this time!" Nash said.

We all said goodbye and went our different ways.

When we got back to Shawn's house, no one was home, STILL!

"When is everyone coming back?" I asked.

"I thought I told you? My parents went to a confrence in Buffalo, and Aaliyah is staying with Timera. So, it's just me and you for three whole days!" Shawn smiled.

I giggled and we walked inside. We took off our shoes and jackets, and I just plopped down on the couch. Shawn put in the movie 'Tangled'. "There's nothing wrong with Disney".

He walked over and picked me up, bridal style. "What are you doing?!" I asked.

"Since I can't rough house with you, I'll cuddle with you!" he said. 

He sat down and I snuggled up to his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, and I ended up falling asleep. 

I woke up the next morning, to find myself alone on the couch. I sat up and looked around. Shawn walked out of the kitchen and saw that I was awake. "Well rise and shine beautiful!" he said. I smiled and stood up. I stretched and walked over to Shawn. "I'm going to take a shower, where are the towels?" I asked. He pointed to a closet, so I walked over to it. I grabbed two towels and ran upstairs. I turned on the shower, and took off my clothes off. Only to find out, that I had my period

"Shit" I mumbled.

I had no pads, no anything. I decided to just shower and then worry about it.

When I was done in the shower, I dried off and put on a pair of tight skinny jeans, my favorite white lace shirt and combed my hair straight. I ran downstairs to find Shawn, singing and playing his guitar.

He was playing my favorite song, 'Marry Me' by Jason Derulo.

I walked over and sat on the floor infront of me. He looked down at me and smiled. He stopped playing and looked right into my eyes. "That'd my favorite song!" I told him. "Really? I was thinking of doing it for my next cover" Shawn said. I smiled and told him that I had to go to the store.

"For what?" Shawn asked.

I looked over at the wall, which a 'you don't wanna know' face.

"Oooohhh" he said. "Okay, let's go!" he added.

When we got to the store, he refused to let me go in. "No, Soph! I don't want you to feel uncomfortable!" Shawn said.

"Well, won't you be embarassed?!" I replied.

"It's for you, I don't care!" he smiled.

"Go for it".

He kissed my cheek, got out of the car and ran in. 

I was playing on my phone, when someone knocked on the window. It startled me, and my heart started racing. I looked out the window, to see Brandy. Oh god, Brandy.

I unbuckled my seat belt, and opened the car door. I got out and I saw that she was holding her belly.

Shawn walked out, and over to us. He put his arm around me and Brandy smiled.

"Ah, Shawn! Just in time! I was gonna send you an invitation to my baby shower, but I'll just give it to you now!" Brandy said.

"You're pregnant?! Aren't you like, sixteen?" I asked.

"Yes, but I am so ready!" she replied. I gave her a crazy look and she laughed. Brandy handed me the invitation and walked in the store. 

Shawn walked over to passenger side and we both got in. He handed me the bag, which was filled with my favorite things.

The movie Bridesmaids and a dvd of Modern Family, my favorite Hershey's chocolate, vogue magazine, and he also got me pain relievers and pads, of course.

"Shawn! You didn't have to get all this!" I smiled.

"I just wanted to say sorry for last night. Plus, I heard periods can make girls miserable, and I didn't wanna see you like that" Shawn replied.

He kissed me and said "I love you".

I am officially the luckiest girl in the world.

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