Chapter 7.

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The next morning, I woke up to find myself wrapped in Shawn's arms.  I sat up, and accidently woke him up. "Well, good morning beautiful" he said, in his sleepy voice. Sexiest. Thing. EVER. I stood up, he sat up and rubbed his eyes. I started to stretch when Shawn jumped off his bed and kissed my cheek. "You hungry?" he asked me. "Yeah, kinda" I replied. As he was walking out the door, I jumped on his back. I thought he would get all mad, and make me get off him. Instead, he put his hands under my knees and carried me downstairs. No one was home, so it was just Shawn and I. He ran us over to couch and fell ontop of me. When got off, he fell onto the floor. "You're such a dork!" I laughed. Shawn sat up and smiled. He grabbed my leg and pulled me down ontop of him. Then, started tickling me. Again, I couldn't get words out. When he stopped, he kissed me. I sat up, pushing him away, laughing. "Don't you even think about touching me again" I giggled. I was trying to catch my breath when he sat next to me, literally almost on top of me.

"Can we take some selfies?" he asked, trying to contain himself from laughing.

I agreed. He took out his phone and went to camera. He took a couple kissing my cheek, and some of me kissing his cheek. The classic couple selfies. "How about a mirror one?" I suggested. He didn't hesitate. We stood up and walked into the bathroom. I wrapped my arms around him, and he wrapped his arm around me. I put my head on his chest and looked at the camera. Then he wanted to take one of us kissing. So, we did.

After we were all done, taking pictures, we ate breakfast.

After we ate, I went upstairs to take a shower. When I got out, I found Shawn waiting at the door. I walked out in a towel, he saw me and smiled. I giggled and pushed him away. He walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I walked into his room to get dressed. I put on a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a long sleeve black shirt and a teal scarf. I blow dried my hair and put it into a lose pony tail. I layed on Shawn's bed until he got out of the bathroom. He walked in, in a pair of jeans, and shirtless. We smiled at each other. He walked over to the dresser next to his bed, and picked out a shirt. He put it on, and fell onto his bed.

"Wanna go to the mall?" he asked me.

"Sure, can I drive?!" I asked.

He shook his head yes, and we ran downstairs. We put on our jackets, shoes and I grabbed my bag. 

We drove to the mall, and I made him go into Victorias Secret. "Do I really have to?" he asked me.

"YES! I need some stuff. I promise I'll go into any store you want" I laughed.

He rolled his eyes and we locked hands. I tried to hurry myself and picked out some bras. I checked out, and we left. Shawn looked so relieved to get out of VS. "That was so awkward" he said. 

"Why?" I asked, giggling.

"Because I'm a guy looking at bras and girls underwear".

"Well, thank you for going in for me".

He kissed my cheek, and we walked around. We were having a good time until, we bumped into this one girl.

"SHAWN!" the girl yelled.

"Oh hey, Brandy" Shawn replied.

I squeezed Shawn's hand and he looked at me. Brandy gave me a dirty look.

"Oh, Brandy. This is my girlfriend, Sophia" he added.

"...Hi Sophia" Brandy said.

We exchanged a couple bad looks.

"Um, well we have to go" Shawn told Brandy. 

She gave him a hug and smiled at me, devilishly.

"What the hell?" I asked Shawn.

"Just ignore her, I go to school with her, she has a major crush on me. She's like obsessed" he replied. 

I looked back to see her staring. CREEPY.

"C'mon, let's go home" Shawn suggested.

We walked out to the car, and drove home. When we got to his house, a bunch of little girls ran out. They all nearly tackled me to the ground. One girl yelled "WE TOUCHED SOPHIA CANIFF OH MY GOD". I laughed and looked over at Shawn. "Aaliyah has friends over for New Years" he said. The girls started asking me tons of questions about Taylor, all the way into the house. When we got inside, Shawn's mom yelled at them to stop bothering me. I put my bag down and hung up my coat. I walked over to the couch and sat down. Some of the girls came and sat next to me. What little fangirls they were. Shawn walked over to see there was no where for him to sit.

"Hey guys, if you let Shawn sit down, I'll let you guys use my phone to facetime with Taylor and Carter later, if they want to, okay?" I said. They all jumped off the couch instantly. Shawn sat down and put his arm around me.

This was going to a long, fangirl fulled night.

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