Chapter 9.

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Today was the day I had to go home. I was very upset, as well as Shawn. When we got to the airport, He took me to the gate. We stayed in each others arms basically the whole time. When they announced it was time for me to board, Shawn clenched onto me, tighter. I looked up at him and kissed him. "I love you. Have a safe flight" he said, trying to hold his tears back. "Babe, I'll see you in a couple weeks at magcon. I love you" I replied. We kissed one last time, and let go of each other. I gave the lady my ticket and looked back. I waved at Shawn, and he waved back. I walked onto the plane. When I got settled onto the plane, I got a text from Shawn.

It read, "Sophia, I know this was a short trip, but I just wanted to say that I had so much fun. You make me so happy, and I'm so happy you're my girl. You're so amazing and I can't wait to see you in Nashville. Have a safe flight. I love you babe".

I couldn't stop smiling. Instead of texting him back, I posted the picture of me and him in the bathroom and us kissing. I captioned it "had the most amazing new years with the most amazing guy ever. Couldn't ask for a better guy to share my love with. He makes me the happiest girl alive and I love him so much <3".

We have cheesy, mushy relationship. But, I love it.

When we landed in Indiana, I couldn't wait to get off the plane. I walked around, trying to find Taylor and Carter. I found them over at baggage claim and ran over to them. Like usual, Carter recorded a vine of me running to Taylor. We practially tackled each other. I mean, I've never been away from his so long. Of course, I missed him. After I stopped hugging Taylor, I hugged Carter. Who I'm surprised didn't go home yet. 

We grabbed my bag, and walked out to Taylor's car. Taylor got in the drivers seat, Carter got into the back and I got into the passenger seat, and we drove home.

Now, a couple weeks have passed. Same old life.

But, back to magcon today! I'm so happy I get to see Shawn today! I woke up, to find Taylor was already downstairs, ready. I got dressed in a pair of dark skinny jeans, a black knit sweater and my gray vans. I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs. "Well, it's about time you got ready to go" Taylor said. I giggled and put my jacket on. "Are we meeting the boys again at the aiport?" I asked. Taylor shook his head and I tried to keep my cool. Even thought on the inside, I was freaking out. We got all settled into the car, and drove off. We started talking and it was actually quite nice. Starting jamming out to Justin Bieber, like old times. When we got to the airport, all the boys were standing at the door, waiting for us. I walked in, and all the boys gave me a hug. I didn't see Shawn, Matt or Jack G, though. I started to look around, I didn't see one sight of them. Cam and I started talking. About ten minutes later, we heard "SOPHIA!". I turned around to see the boys running. A hug smile grew on my face as Shawn approached me. We hugged and he kissed me. "Where have you guys been?" Cam asked them. "We got bored, so we decided to walk around" Jack said. I looked up at Shawn, and he looked down at me.

When we got onto the plane, Shawn and I sat next to each other. We told each other how life was. He seems to have a lot of fun, without me..

The flight to Nashville, wasn't as long as it was to DC. So, we were there in no time. Now, when we got to the hotel, there was already a giant crowd. I didn't know Magcon started today, but oh well. The boys had to run right inside and onto the stage. I ran into the back of the room, like I always do. I was standing on a table, watching the boys talk when a familiar voice said, "Hi Soph". I looked over to see... Ryan. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked him, trying not be loud.

"Well, I do live in Nashville, so I figured why not come see my old buddy, Taylor" he replied.

"You have the real nerve to be here, Ryan".

He just smiled at me and continued to watch the boys. 

I seriously cannot believe this is happening right now. I thought I would never see him again. I still have scars from when he could hit me so hard, it cut my skin.

After the boys were done, they headed out to the lobby before the meet and greets. Ryan followed me, and we started argueing.

"I think we should date again" he suggested.

"Wow, you're real funny" I replied.

"Come on Soph, I've changed. I still love you".

"You know what, Ryan? No. You raped me! Plus I have a boyfriend".

Ryan chuckled. "Yeah, and wheres this boyfriend?".

I pointed to Shawn, to see him looking over at us.

"You'd rather have that, than me?".

"Yes, I would! Because he doesn't hit me, punch me or rape me".

"I'm giving you ONE more chance to say yes!!".

"Read my lips, NO!".

Ryan punched me in the face and I fell onto the ground. Ryan was about to get ontop of me and start hitting me again, when Shawn and Taylor tackled him. Carter and Cam helped me up and I yelled, "SO MUCH FOR CHANGING!!!". Ryan spit in Taylor's face, and Tay slapped him, so hard. "NASH, GO GET SECURITY!" Carter yelled at Nash. Ryan got ontop of Shawn and WHAMED him in the face. I got away from Cam and Carter, and tackled Ryan. He rolled me over and pinned my arms down. "IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED, SOPHIA?!" Ryan yelled at me. Carter, Matt and Cam picked Ryan off me and Cam pushed Ryan up on the wall. "LISTEN HERE, YOU LEAVE SOPHIA THE FUCK ALONE! THIS WOULD'VE NEVER EVEN OF BROKEN OUT IF YOU NEVER EVEN CAME. LEAVE NOW!" Cam yelled in his face. Ryan laughed. Cam let go and Ryan went after me again. He hit me in the face so hard, my nose started bleeding. Right before Taylor was about to go after him again, security grabbed Ryan and carried him outside. The police showed up, and handcuffed him. They asked me question, and they asured me that I wasn't going to run into him again.

The paramedic they have for magcon, was helping me clean up. Shawn and Taylor sat by my side the whole time. The other boys sat around me. They all kept apologizing. I have no idea why, because they didn't know this was going to happen. When the paramedic was done, my face was bruised. I stood up, and Taylor hugged me. He walked me to our room, and the rest of the boys followed. I layed down on the bed, and Shawn cuddled up with me. I layed my head on his chest, along with my hand. He started rubbing my back. All the other guys, were talking about their own things.

These guys just literally saved my life.

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