Chapter 24.

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I sat up and looked at him. "Cam, come on.." I said.

"Nah, nah, nah, not that" Cameron replied, jokingly.

I gave him a confused look. "Would you be my valentine?" he asked me.

I playfully smacked his arm and started to laugh. "Don't ever scare me like that again!" I snickered.

Cameron smiled at me. "I take that as a yes?" he said. I nodded my head and he hugged me. At least I'll be with him on Valentines day. It's on Friday, and that's when I fly to San Francisco with Taylor. I actually can't wait to go home tomorrow, I haven't been home in weeks. 

The rest of the night went by fast. Mostly because we just layed in bed and watched netflix. The next morning, my alarm went off at about five am. My flight was at seven, and I was super excited. I got Cameron up, and ran into the bathroom to take a shower. After that, I put on my acid washed ripped jeans, with my Austin Mahone shirt, and dried my hair. By the time I was done, it was a quarter to six. "You ready to go?" Cameron asked me. "You bet cha' " I said, basically running out the door.

When we got to the airport, it was sorta empty. I was actually surprised. Because, we got through everything quite quickly. When we got onto the plane, I got really excited. I knew that in a couple hours, I'd be home in Princeton, in my own house and bed. I could go see my friends and get ready for Magcon. Also, finally spend time with Taylor. Best part is, I go back to school tomorrow, too! I know, it sounds stupid, but I've missed my friends more than anything. 

When we landed in Princeton, Cam had to stay on the plane, because he was flying back to California to meet Bart. We both stood up, and he hugged me. "I'll see you on Friday, okay?" Cam smiled. I nodded my head and he kissed my cheek. When I got off the plane, I found Taylor standing at the gate, looking around at people. I called his name and he looked over at me. I ran over to him and hugged him. "I never thought I would say this, but it feels so good to be back in Princeton" I said. Taylor smirked and we walked over to get my bags.

The rest of the day, really nothing happened. I just stayed home, and chilled with Taylor. It felt so good to be able to finally relax.

But the next morning, my alarm went off. I got out of bed and opened my curtains. The sun almost blinded me. But, I went through my drawer, and picked out my black skinny jeans, with a brown braided belt, a white ruffled tank top and a gray long sweater. I curled my hair, brushed my teeth and put my make up on. I ran downstairs to put my gray vans on. I found my dad asleep on the couch. I kneeled down next to him and shook his arm. He groaned and opened his eyes. "Oh hey Soph. Good luck at school today" he said before turning himself to the other side. "Don't you think you should go upstairs to sleep?" I asked him. I got no answer. I just let it go, and put my shoes on. I put on my coat and grabbed my bag and keys. I ran outside to my car and drove off. I've never gotten ready this fast. I just have a feeling this going to be a good day. When I pulled into the parking lot, I drove around until I found my friends Carly and Skylar. When I got out, they ran over to me. "You're finally back!" Carly yelled. "I know! Oh my gosh, I'm so happy!" I said, pulling them both in for a hug. "So, I heard you had a fling with CAMERON DALLAS!" Skylar smiled. I smirked at the ground. "Yeah..." I mumbled. 

There was an awkward five second pause. "Well, let's get to class!" I added. 

When we walked into the builing, everyone said hi to me. Some girls were even flipping out, because well they know who I've been with the past couple of weeks. 

When I got into Physics, before I could even sit down, Mrs. Coulski told me to go to the main office. I didn't do anything, so why am I being called down?

When I walked in, I saw this tall, busty but awkward guy. He had the face of Ryan Gosling mixed with Josh Hutcherson. Sounds weird, but he was gorgeous. The principle turned around, and said "ahhh, Sophia! One of our best students!". I said "hi" awkwardly and walked over to them. "Sophia, this is Lennie Parker. I was wondering if you'd show him around these next couple of days!?" Mr. Dole said. "Of course!" I smiled.

Lennie smiled at me. It kinda looked like Shawn's smile. Gosh, I miss him.

I asked Lennie to see his schedule, and he handed it to me. "Hey, we have almost every class together! Let's go!" I waved my hand towards the door.

On the way back to class, the hallways were starting to clear up. "Wait, you're Sophia Caniff, right?" he asked me.

"Yup, that's me!" I replied.

"My little LOVES you and your brother, Taylor! Also, your boyfriend, Shawn".

"Oh, I'm not dating Shawn anymore. People also think I'm dating Cameron Dallas, which I'm not".

"Cameron? Aye, I was in school with him! He graduated two years before me, but he was cool. I talked to him a lot. You should ask him about me".

"You're from Chino Hills?!".

"Born and raised!".

"Then why'd you move here?".

"My parents split up, and my mom has family here. So, I moved with her. But when I graduate in a couple months, I'm moving back. It's way too cold for me, here".

"I'm actually going to San Fran in a couple days. I'm so excited. I was in Chino Hills last week actually, with Cameron".

"You know, Shawn or Cameron are really lucky to have someone like you. You're extremley pretty".

We just met and he's actually trying to make a move on me...

"Well, thank you".

We had finally reached the class room, and he sat down next to me. I got out my phone and texted Cameron, asking him about Lennie.

Me: hey, there's new kid here named lennie parker. do you know him?

Cameron: ya, but stay away from him. he's nothin but trouble

Me: wait! what do you mean

Cameron: hes just an idiot. all he wants is to get into girls pants.

I looked over at Lennie, to see him going through his bag. I put my phone away and started to do my work. Maybe Cameron is just jealous, I don't know. Lennie doesn't seem that bad. He could be another Ryan, but I know I won't be interested in Lennie. Just friends, we are going to stay. 

When school was over, I was walking out to my car, going through my bag, looking for my keys, when I saw Lennie talking to Carly and Skylar. They all smiled at me. I waved at them, then got into my car. When I got home, I found Taylor sitting in the living room, playing his xbox. I walked into my kitchen, to find my dad sitting at the table, working on his laptop.

I sat down with him. "Hey Soph, how was school?" he said as he took a sip of whatever he was drinking.

"Well, we got a new kid named Lennie. He's cool, but Cameron knows him and isn't too fond of him" I replied.

"I'd believe Cameron. Plus, what happened to getting back together with Shawn?".

"We are getting back together. Just not right now".

Taylor walked in and sat down with us.

"Are you okay?" he asked me.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

Taylor and my dad looked at each other, then back at me.

"You didn't hear?" Taylor said.

I nodded my head no, and gave Taylor a confused look.

"Shawn is dating Lauren".

I feel like I just swallowed a brick.

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