Chapter 15.

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Shawn just stared at Cameron with just anger on his face.

He walked over towards Cam. "What the hell, man? Why did you kiss MY girlfriend?".

"Shawn, I am so sorry! Something just came over me and I kissed her!" Cam said.

When I get really nervous, I get really sick. I ran out of the kitchen and upstairs into the bathroom. I sat down on the tub. All I could hear was yelling.

'This is all MY fault' I kept thinking to myself. Even though, it's not. About ten minutes later, I heard the door slam. Shawn came up to the bathroom. He sat on the toilet and took my hand. He looked up at me and smiled.

"C'mon, I have something for you" Shawn said.

We stood up and walked into his room. Still hand in hand. I sat down on Shawn's bed while he grabbed his guitar. He sat down next to me and positioned himself. "I'm pretty sure you know this song, and this is how I feel about you" he said as he started playing. 

He started singing 'It Girl' by Jason Derulo. He'd once in a while look up, and smile at me. My eyes started watering. I love him so much. I thought he would've hated me because of what just happened. He legit has the voice of angel.

When he finished the song, he said "Soph, I'm not mad at you. I talked to Cam and he said it was all him. But, nothing has changed between me and him. I mean, you're beautiful. I know if weren't dating, I wouldn't be able to hold myself back" he ended with a wink.

I kissed him and I got a call from my mom. Why do we always get interrupted?!

"Yes? I'm sorta busy" I said.

"Sophia, it's Jade. Mom is about to have the babies" she said, freaking out.

"I'll be there in a minute!" I replied.

I told Shawn what was going on, and we ran downstairs. We threw on our coats and shoes and ran out to the car. I drove us to the hospital to find Taylor, Dillon, Cameron, Carter and Nash in the waiting room with Noah and Louis. Wow, full house. "Where is she?!" I asked. Taylor pointed to her room and I ran. Shawn stayed back with the boys. When I got into the room, Jade waved for me to come over. I ran over and my mom smiled. "Soph, baby, I'm happy you're here. And this is the last time I'm gonna be here" she said. I noticed that her boyfriend, Andre, wasn't here. I wasn't surprised, he couldn't care less.

"Okay Mrs. Walker, start pushing" the doctor said.

She grabbed my hand and started pushing. She was almost breaking my hand, until we heard the first cry. "IT'S A GIRL!" the doctor yelled, holding up the baby. The doctor gave the baby to the nurse and told my mom to start pushing again.

About ten minutes later, the last baby was here. Also, a girl. The nurse handed me a baby and handed my mom the second. "Soph, you name her" she said. "I like Skylar" I said. My mom agreed with the name. She named the second baby Gracie. 

I took Skylar and walked out into the waiting room, for the boys to see. They all looked over at me and stood up. Taylor ran over to me, and cupped his mouth. "Everyone meet, Skylar!" I said. Shawn smiled at me, and I said "don't even think about it, Mendes". Shawn shook his head, no. I handed Skylar over to Taylor and Shawn put his arm around me. "C'mon, let's go meet the other baby!" I said. I grabbed Shawn's hand and we walked into the room. The other boys followed. Jade shot up and ran over to Cam, and started fangirling.

"Guys, meet Gracie!" my mom said. Taylor smiled at her, for the first time in years.

When we all left, we stood out in the parking lot for a couple minutes talking.

"Why do you two hate your mom so much?" Cameron asked. 

Taylor and I looked at each other. 

"Well, she left us when we were both four. She sold herself to get money for drugs. That's how she got pregnant with Jade, and then Noah. And Louis and the new twins are from her asshole boyfriend, Andre. I personally never wanted her in my life again, but I felt like this was the right thing to do. I have no respect for her, and she's one of the reasons I'm protective over Sophia. Well, and because of Ryan. She just pisses me off. She has seven kids now. Well six, because I don't wanna count myself..." Taylor said. 

Shawn put his arm around me.

"She doesn't seem that bad" Cameron said.

"She's horrible. She just seems happy now because now that the babies are born, that she can smoke herion again" I said.

"Well Tay, you know I wouldn't even think about laying a finger on my little angel" Shawn said, before kissing my head.

Taylor smiled and Cameron looked away. 

"Weeeellllll, it's getting late. I'm about beat, why don't we go back to the hotel", Nash suggested.

The boys hugged me and left. Shawn and I drove home, and laughed the whole time. We were really hyper, I have no idea why.

When we got back to his house, we noticed that no one still wasn't home. Shawn got out of the car realy fast and over to my side. He opened the door and kissed me as soon as I got out of the car.

He picked me up bridal style, and ran inside. He opened the door and put me down. I ran upstairs, and he chased me. I started laughing. a little bit halfway up, I tripped and Shawn ran up to me. "Oh my god, are you okay?!" he said. I shook my head, laughing. "Good!" Shawn yelled, running in front of me, up the stairs. He ran into his room and jumped onto his bed. I ran in and jumped ontop of him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me.

He rolled me over and hovered over me.

He sat up. He took off his coat, sweatshirt AND shirt. 

He bit his lip.

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