Chapter 22.

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I think the concert went by pretty fast, to be honest. I was still in shock from meeting Austin, I could barely function. After the concert, we went backstage again, to see Austin. We were all talking when, Shawn's mom called me. 

"Hello?" I said, confused.

"SOPHIA! Thank god you you answered!" she replied, worried.

"Why?! What's going on?! Is everything alright?!".

"Actually, no.."

There was a five second pause.

"Shawn got into a bad car accident" she took a breath.

My heart and stomach dropped. This is all my fault. I made him so upset, he tried killing himself. I'm halfway across the country and I can't be there by his side. Which made me feel worse. I tried so hard to keep in my tears. It was becoming more and more difficult by the second.

"I'll get on the quickest plane, tomorrow! I can't do anything now!" I replied.

"The paramedic that took care of him said that all he kept saying was "where's Sophia?" ". 

I started to feel sick. When we hung up, I tried my hardest to pull myself back together. Austin gave me another hug and we left. When we were about halfway home, Cameron noticed something was wrong, and pulled over. He got out the car and ran over to my side. He opened my door and I unbuckled myself.

"Sophia, what's wrong, babe?" he asked.

I turned my body towards him.

"Shawn got into a bad car accident" I totally lost it. I started crying and screaming.

Why am I so emotional, these days?

Cameron grabbed me and wrapped me in his arms. I sobbed into his chest, as he was silent. What did I do to deserve this? Why does everything bad have to happen me to me?

I'm a seventeen year old girl, caught between two guys, and wants them both. All my other friends are just worried what prom dress their going to buy. But no. I'm all the way in Chino Hills, California with the sweetest guy I've ever meet, and halfway across the country from the person who means everything to me. I confuse myself so much, I don't even know who I am anymore.

I guess this is just a wake up call for me. I need to pull myself together and realize what I want.

If I pick Cameron, I lose Shawn. If I pick Shawn, I lose Cameron. It's a lose-lose situation. 

Here's the thing about Cameron, he's just a giant sweetheart. He treats me so good and I'm always so happy around him. 

But with Shawn, I feel like it's just me and him. No one else. Shawn patched up my broken heart and was the first boyfriend I actually had, that didn't abuse me. Shawn treated me like a princess, and I let him go, for my own selfish reasons. 

Cameron rubbed my back and I got out of the car. I pulled away from him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Please don't let me go, Cam" my voice cracked.

"No matter what happens, you'll always be my Soph" he smiled.

I hugged him and didn't wanna let go. UGH, I AM SO CONFUSED!

When we got back to Cam's house, I went right to sleep.

The next morning, Cameron woke me up, telling me it was time to go to the airport. He had booked us a flight right away. 

I got up, and got dressed. I packed my suitcase and headed downstairs to find Cameron packing up the car. I hugged Sierra goodbye, and ran outside. Cameron threw our stuff into the car and his mom drove us to the airport. When we said bye to his mom, I sprinted into the airport. I wanted to get to Shawn as quickly as possible.

Same old routine.

The flight seemed like centuries before we finally landed. We got through the airport quickly and rented a car. When we got to the hospital, I stared out the wind sheild for a second.

"Soph, it's going to be okay. I'll be there the whole time" Cameron said. 

I looked at him and unbuckled my seat. I had a blank look on my face.

We took the elevator up to Shawn's floor and found Shawn's mom and dad, and Aaliyah sitting in the waiting room. Aaliyah looked over at me and screamed my name. Shawn's parents shot up out of their seats and hugged Cam and I. 

"How is he?!" I asked.

"He's doing much better. He just woke up from surgery from his ankle. I'll take you in to see him" Shawn's mom told me. 

I grabbed Cameron's arm. I was not going to let him leave my side. When we reached Shawn's room, I slowly walked in. I saw Shawn playing on his phone.

"Hi, Shawn!" I smiled.

Shawn looked up and his face lit right up. "Sophia! What are you doing here?!" he said, so happily.

"Your mom called me last night! I had to come see you".

Cameron sat down next to me and Shawn smiled at him.

"Now Shawn, why did you get into the accident?" I asked him.

He looked at me and took a deep breath.

"I don't know. I was practicing for my driving test, and I started thinking about you, and I guess I just lost control".

I looked at Cam and he looked like he was going to cry.

"Are you two, a thing, now?" Shawn added.

Cam and I both shook our heads. 

Cameron was starting to say something, when Ashley ran in, yelling "is my baby feeling better?".

I looked up at her and she smirked. I looked back at Shawn. "Really?" I mouthed to him. 

"That's right! He's mine now. You fucked up your chance" Ashley commented.

I stood up and pushed my seat. I stormed out of the room, as Shawn kept calling name.

I ran down the stairs as Cameron ran after to me. "SOPHIA! STOP!" he yelled.

I stopped, with my back faced back to him.

He walked infront of me and I looked down.

"I can't believe he's dating her after two days. I mean, me and you aren't even dating!" I sighed.

"He could be doing this, just to make you jealous, you know" Cameron said.

Shawn knows how jealous I get. And plus he said he didn't want Ashley and never would. 

Now, I just feel like my world is crumbling down. Nothing is going right for me. 

A little later, after I calmed down, Cameron and I went to Niagara Falls for a while. We watched the water fall infront of the colored lights. Cameron hugged me. I put my head on his chest. I could hear his heartbeat.

"Sophia, I just want you to know that no matter what, I'll always love you and I'll always be there when you need me. No guy is worth your tears. Any guy would kill to have you, and I'm lucky right now. You mean the world to a lot of people" he said.

I pulled away and looked into his eyes. I gave him a very teethy smile.

Maybe this is a sign...

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