Chapter 14.

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I woke up in a hospital room. I looked over to see Shawn, Taylor, my mom and Jade sitting around me. Noah and Louis were home. 

The doctor walked in and says "ah, just in time, she's awake". I became nervous and sat up. 

"Hi Sophia, my name is Doctor Perry" he said. I flipped papers over his clipboard.

"Okay, Caniff. Well, your kidney is failing. It's not totally severe, but thank god we caught it before it could've killed you. But, if we operate tonight, we can fix it. We just need to make sure you're okay with it" Dr Perry added.

I looked over at Taylor, who was just staring at me. I shook my head yes, at the doctor and he asked me to sign some papers.

When the doctor left, my mom looked at me and said "c'mon Jade and Tay, let's leave Shawn and Soph alone". When the three walked out of the room, Shawn came and sat on my bed next to me. I hugged him and started crying. We wrapped his arms around me and started rubbing my back. While I just sobebd into his neck.

"Babe, it's going to be okay. Nothing bad is going to happen, they are just going to make you feel better" Shawn said.

I pulled away from him. He wiped the tears off my cheek with his thumb. "I promise you, I'll be here when you wake up. You'll be okay" Shawn added.

The nurses came in to start preping me for surgery. Shawn could tell I was nervous. He grabbed my hand and kissed me. "I love you" he said before walking out of the room. 

When the nurses were all done preping me, we headed out to the OR. Before I knew it, I was out like a light.

When I woke up, I couldn't even move. I looked over to see Shawn holding my hand. He was looking over at the wall. I'm pretty sure there was a person, but I couldn't tell, I was too loopy. Shawn looked over and smiled at me. "Well rise and shine gorgeous" he said. I rubbed my eyes, and looked over to see Cam, Taylor, Carter & Nash. Cam looked over at me, and smiled. "GUYS! Sophia's awake" Cam yelled. They all walked over and kneeled next to my bed. The doctor walked in and asked how I was holding up.

"Well, no more stomach pains" I laughed.

"That's good. Now, you can practically do your everyday things again. Just be slightly careful for about two weeks. Everything went great with the surgery, and if you feel pain, take some advil or tylenol. Okay? You're free to go!" Doctor Perry said.

Wow, I thought they would've had to keep me longer. Shawn helped me stand up, and Taylor handed me my clothes. I walked in the bathroom to change. When I was done, Shawn helped me out to the car, since I was staying with him. His mom picked us up, and I hugged the other boys goodbye.

When we got to Shawn's, I walked upstairs and layed on his bed. He came to lay with me and snuggled me up next to him. 

"I missed having you in my arms all the time" he said.

"It's so weird not seeing you all the time, someone not stealing my sweatshirts" Shawn laughed.

I giggled and he kissed my nose.

This whole Cameron thing has been bothering me. It's killing me that Shawn doesn't know, but I don't wanna ruin their friendship. But, I hate keeping a secret from him.

"Oh, I've been thinking about it, and I think I should tell you. So, you know that soccer game we played in Nashville? Well, when Cameron pulled me out, he told me that was in love with me..." I said.

Shawn got a jealous look on his face. "Really? I kinda figured but I wasn't sure" he said.

I sat up and said "but you know what? He doesn't compare to my Shawn". I pinched his cheek and he started to blush. A little bit later into the evening, I was sitting downstairs alone with Shawn, when the boys came over. Shawn was avoiding Cameron the whole time. I feel like I made a huge mistake by telling him that Cameron liked me. The boys started playing Xbox, and I was out in the kitchen trying to get something to drink, when Cam snuck up behind me. 

"You feeling better?" he asked me.

"Yeah, but my head doesn't feel that great" I replied.

"I freaked out when I heard you were going into surgery. I just had to come see you. Along with Nash and Carter".

"Aw, thank you".

Before I knew, Cam wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. 

I pulled away and looked over.

Shawn was standing in the doorway.

Oh my god, why does everything happen to me?

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