Chapter 4.

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The next day at around five a.m, my alarm rang. It was time to go pick Jana up at the airport! I got up and got dressed, brushed my teeth and straightened my hair. I snuck out quietly so I wouldn't wake up Taylor.

I didn't wanna go to the airport alone, so Aaron and Shawn came along with me. They met me outside my door and first thing Shawn said when he saw me was "good morning, beautiful". My day got ten times better. It was already going to be perfect, anyways. Shawn grabbed my hand and we walked down to the hotel parking lot.

"So, are you excited to meet Jana?" I asked Aaron.

"Oh my god, you have no idea. He kept me up all night telling me how excited he was even though he know's like nothing about her" Shawn replied.

Aaron just blushed. "AW SOMEONE HAS A CRUSH" I said.

'I don't even know her, how can I have a crush on her?" Aaron asked.

It was so obvious Aaron was gonna fall for Jana. I just had the gut feeling.

Later, when we got to the airport, I became super excited. Shawn had his arms wrapped around me. We were waiting near baggage claim, when I heard someone call my name. I looked over to see Jana waving at me. Shawn let go of me and I ran to her. We ran into a hug and almost fell.

"I got a surprise for you" I told Jana, smiling.

"Okay, what is it?" she replied, confused.

I grabbed her arm and we walked over to Shawn and Aaron. I swear the look on Aaron's face was priceless. He looks like he just sound his soul mate. Jana looked like she was going to throw up. Shawn and I looked at each other at the same time and smiled. I looked back over at Jana and said, "this is my boyfriend, Shawn". "Oh my god, I love your voice" Jana said to Shawn. "Well, thank you" Shawn replied, smiling.

We grabbed Jana's bag and walked out to our car. Since I'm the only who can drive, Shawn sat up front with me. Aaron and Jana were all over each other in the back, it was actually kinda funny.

When we got back to the hotel, we found Taylor and Carter down in the lobby, just hanging out. Jana ran over to them and hugged them both.

Later that day, after Magcon was over, all the boys took Jana out for dinner. But, Shawn and I stayed back at the hotel. We were sitting in my bed, cuddling, when he asked me, "why is Taylor so protective over you".

I decided it was time to tell him the real reason.

"Um, well, my last relationship wasn't the best. My ex-boyfriend was just horrible.." I said.

"Well, you can tell me anything" Shawn replied.

"I know. Okay, this one day, I was over at his house, and it was just us over there. I tried breaking up with him, because all he did was abuse me. He hit me everytime we were together. I was terrified to tell anyone. I would wear something he didn't like, and he's punch me in the face. He constantly flirted with other girls, and I knew he was doing other girls. If I even looked at a boy, he slapped me. I decided it was time to end it. I told him that I thought we should break up, and he clearly didn't like that. He punched me in the face, and threw me onto the bed. He ripped off my clothes and raped me. I kept begging and begging him to stop. All he kept saying was "if I can't have you, no one can". He kept hitting me and telling me how I'm making a huge mistake and that he'd kill me if I ever told anyone. When he finally got off me, I got dressed and ran outside. He had picked me up, so I had to walk home. I was cold, and my face hurt so badly and I felt it throbbing. When I got home, Taylor was the only one home. I walked in and he saw the bruises. He shot up and asked what happened. I completely broke down and told him what Ryan did. Taylor took me to the hospital and then called the cops. Ryan was arrested the next day and I have a restraining order against him now".

Shawn looked completely shocked.

"Soph, I just hope you realize that I would never do anything to hurt you. You're absoutley beautiful and I'm so lucky to have you. You don't have to be afraid anymore. Taylor can trust me, and he knows that. Whenever something bothers you, please tell me, sweetheart".

I started to cry and he kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I started to lean back, his lips still on mine. 

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