Chapter 26.

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I looked over to see a tall, brown haired boy, tuning his guitar. He looked up at me, looked back at the head of the guitar and quickly looked back at me. I knew who it was.

Jacob Whitesides.

He smiled at me, then looked back down at his guitar. When Shawn and I let go of each other, I walked over to Jacob. I bet down, waving, trying to get his attention off of the guitar. He looked up at me, with a concentrated look. He examined my face and smiled.

"Hi, by the way, I'm Sophia" I stuck my hand out.

"Yeah, I know who you are. I've had a crush on you since I saw you in Taylor's vines" Jacob grabbed my hand, then shook it.

Oh my god, what? How can someone just come out and say 'Oh yeah I've had a crush on you'. To be honest, I liked that he did that. Not a lot of guys have the guts to do that.

What the hell am I doing?! I just got back together with Shawn. And I'm happy. Jacob and I are just going to remain friends.

When Magcon was over, I was walking around the giant lobby, when Cameron ran up to me.

"Sophia, I just want you to know, I'm not mad. I just want you to be happy. And if you're happy, then so am I" Cameron smiled. 

I hugged him and thanked him for everything he's done for me, these past couple of rough weeks.

"Oh, by the way, I think you got someone new after you" Cam winked.


"Jacob; he has a crush on you. Damn girl, you get it in".

I smacked his arm. "Yeah, I know he likes me".

"What are you going to do about it?".

"I don't know. I'll figure it out. Right now, I'm just happy I got Shawn back".

"Luckiest guy alive" Cameron mumbled before sprinting towards Nash.

"I heard that!" I yelled at him, laughing.

"That was the point!" he yelled back.

I turned back around, to run into Shawn. I backed away and he smiled at me. 

"So, I heard the news" Shawn said.

I titled my head, confused at what he meant.

"That Jacob has a crush on you. Matt is going around telling everyone" he added.

"This is getting fucking ridiculous, you know" I replied.

"What's getting ridiculous?".

"That these guys like me. First Carter, then Cameron, Gilinsky and now Jacob. Like does anybody understand that I'm yours?".

A giant smile grew on Shawn's face. "You'll always be my girl".

My stomach fluttered with those words.

Later that night, while all the boys were at the meet and greets, I decided to look around the hotel, since I don't really appear in anything, I can't participate in the meet and greets yet. A little bit after ten, I heard a crowd leaving. I was about to turn the corner near the pool door, when I totally collided with someone.

"Oops, sorry".

I looked up to see, Jacob and Mahogany. We smiled at each other. "Oh hi, guys. Aren't you supposed to be at the meet and greet?" I asked. "No, the guys wanted to hangout with some fans for a while. But we felt bad that you were all by yourself, so we came to find you.." Mahogany said.

"And we found ya'" Jacob snickered.

"Well actually, I've been craving some coffee. I was going to drive over to Starbucks. Wanna come?" I asked.

They both agreed. Later, when we had ordered our coffee, and had sat down, I got a call from Taylor. I decided to ignore it, because I knew it was going to be something really stupid, sad or that he needed to see me, for no reason.

"So, Sophia, tell me about yourself" Jacob said, after taking a sip of his coffee.

"Wow Jacob, smooooooooooth" Mahogany laughed.

"What? I'm just trying to start a conversation, jesus" Jacob giggled.

I chuckled. "It's fine, um. Well, I'm seventeen, I'm from Princeton, Indiana. As you obviously know, I'm Taylor's sister. I'm a senior in school. People consider me "perfect" but I'm not" I made sure to put emphasis on perfect.

"Well, I wouldn't say perfect. Nobody's perfect. But, I would have to say, now I see why everyone wants you so bad" Jacob winked.

I started to blush, and covered my cheeks with my hands. 

My phone rang a second time, also ignored. Then a third. I decided to answer.

"Yes, Taylor?" I said.

"Where are you?".

"At Starbucks with Jacob and Mahogany, why?"

"We wanted to know if you guys wanted to go see the Golden Gate Bridge with us?".

I asked Mahogany and Jacob if they wanted to go, they sighly agreed.

"Yeah, we'll be there in a couple minutes".

I hung up, then we all stood up to walk out. We grabbed our coffee and went out, and got into our car. It took about forty five minutes; to an hour to get to the bridge. When we pulled up, I saw all the boys sitting on the railing. When we got out, Shawn ran over to me. "I got something for you" he smiled. 

He grabbed my hand and we ran out onto the sidewalk part of the bridge. Shawn pulled a square, black box out of his sweatshirt and opened it to reveal a gold charm bracelet. I was totally breathless. "Oh my god, Shawn!" I said, putting one hand on my chest.

He took the bracelet out of the box, and put it around my wrist. He explained the charms to me. "The plane represent where we first met, the airport. The snapback, represents your love for Austin Mahone". 

I chuckled. "You even put Austin on there for me?! I didn't even know they made snapback charms" I said.

He just smiled at me. "Of course, I did".

He continued. "The crown represents Princeton. The car represents Taylor, because of his obsession with cars. And finally, the guitar represents me. Whenever you miss me, just look at the guitar" .

"AWH! Shawn, I love it!" I said. I put my hands on his shoulder's, stood up on my toes and kissed him, as he placed his hands on my hips.

"Oh my god, I have to go show Mahogany!" I said before running over to her. 

When I got over to her, Shawn walked over and put his arms around me.

I looked over at Cameron and Jacob, totally out of the other boys' conversations. They both had jealous looks on their faces.

I think Cameron had enough.

"Well, I took you to meet Austin Mahone".

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