Chapter 19.

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"You're not pregnant, so you can stop worrying".

A giant wave a relief flew over me. I looked over at Shawn to see the stressed look on his face wear down.

"So, what's wrong with me?" I asked.

"It seem's that you just may have a stomach bug, so when you get home, get plenty of rest and lay low for a while" the doctor replied.

The doctor shook my hand and smiled. When he walked out, I got off the table and Shawn hugged me. "I've never had such bad anxiety" he said, pulling away.

"I told you, I wasn't".

A little while after we got back to Shawn's house, the boys came over. I was upstairs, supposed to be sleeping, so I didn't hangout with them. I couldn't sleep, though. I was just staring at the wall. Until I heard the door open, then I closed my eyes. 

"I know you're not sleeping, Sophia" I heard Cameron say.

I opened my eyes and smiled. I sat up, while Cam walked over to me. He sat next to me and took a deep breath. He looked around.

"Wow, he has a nice room" Cam said, trying to make conversation.

Okay, here's something I haven't mentioned yet. I'm starting to fall for Cameron. I keep trying to forget about it, but it's not working. I guess I need to let somebody know.

"Listen Cam, I'm sorry" I said, grabbing his arm.

He looked down at my hand and asked "sorry for what?".

"For all this. When you kissed me that one day, I actually liked it. I just panicked, well because I was startled. I love Shawn, I really do, but...".


I took a deep breath. "I think I'm starting to like you".

Cameron's eyes got all big, aswell as his smile. "Really?" he said in a voice of disbelief.

I nodded my head. Cam looked at the wall and smiled. I stood up, and slowly walked over towards Shawn's desk. "I just don't know what to do" I said with my hands on my hips. Cameron stood up and slowly walked towards me. I completely froze. I couldn't move. "You can't contol love, Soph" Cam said, grabbing my hips. "What are you doing?" I asked, leaning back. The thing is, I didn't want wonder what he was doing, I just wanted him to do whatever he was going to do. His amazing voice caught me off guard.


I threw his hands off me and walked over towards Shawn's bed.

"Sorry Cameron, I-I-I can't this, right now" I stuttered. 

Cam walked over to me and kissed me. Just as Shawn opened the door. I looked over at him and pulled away from Cameron. Cam looked at me confused and turned around. Shawn walked in and asked what was going on.

"What the fuck, Cameron?!" he yelled.

I jumped infront of Cam and put my arm out in front of me.

"Shawn! This isn't what it looks like!!" I said trying to calm down. 

"No, Soph, I'll handle this" Cameron said, gentley pushing me away.

They started screaming at each other and the rest of the boys ran upstairs. Taylor busted in the door and got in between the two. "What the hell is going on?!" Taylor yelled.

"Cameron kissed Sophia!" Shawn yelled.

"Bro, can you fucking blame me?! LOOK AT HER!" Cameron pointed at me.

"Excuse me?" I said.

"Still, she's MY girlfriend. Not yours! Don't touch her!" Shawn screamed back.

They started yelling at each other again. I finally had enough and screamed at them to stop.

"YOU GUYS KNOW WHAT?! I'm not dealing with this right now. This is all my fault! I just need my space right now! The constant jealousy between you two, is effecting me, too!".

"So, what are you saying, Sophia?" Shawn asked, nervousily.

I quickly ran my fingers through my hair. "I'm saying maybe that we need some time off, Shawn".

"What, why?!".

"You two are constantly jealous of each other, I can't deal with it anymore. I love you Shawn, I really do. I just need some space, and time to think". 

The boys just stared at me. I ran out of the room and Taylor ran after me. I ran outside, and Taylor grabbed me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around him tightly and started crying. He put his head on top of mine, while he rubbed my back.

"What did I just do, Taylor?" I asked.

"I think you did the right thing, Soph. If this was stressing you out, you needed some space" Taylor replied.

"I love him so much, though".

"I know you do. Just do what makes you happy, I'll support you one hundred percent. I love you, Soph".

Cameron walked out and over to us. "Listen Sophia, I'm sorry for what happened in there" he said. 

I pulled away from Taylor, while wiping the tears off my face and eyes. Taylor put his arm around me. "It's fine, Cameron. I hope I didn't ruin your guys' friendship. I'd feel even worse" I replied.

"Brooke helped us settle it, I have no idea how. Because Shawn was pretty fricken pissed" Cameron said, wiping a tear off my face with his thumb.

"He's pretty upset, though. You may wanna go talk to him" he added.

"How about we tell him to come out here, and you two can talk out here?" Taylor suggested.

I nodded my head, agreeing with him. They both hugged me and ran inside. About two minutes later, Shawn came out. As he approached me, I noticed his eyes were all red and puffy. I saw a tear stroll down his face, and wiped it off with my thumb. 

"Shawn, I'm really sorry. I just need some space at the moment. I was feeling pressured, and I don't know why. I still love you, I really do" I told him.

"I understand. I just hope we can have a future" he replied.

"Absolutely, Shawn. We'll have one. Just, right now, I need space".

"I love you, Sophia".

"I love you too".

Shawn pulled me in for a hug and we didn't let go of each other for a good while. When we finally pulled away from each other, Taylor walked out with my bag, coat and shoes. I was so upset, I didn't even notice I was barefoot. The rest of the boys walked out, and Brooke ran up to me. Shawn started walking into his house, he looked back at me and waved. Then disappeared behind his door.

When we got back to the hotel everyone was staying at, I got my own, single bed room. Because Brooke and Taylor were sharing one. 

It was about to turn one a.m, when I heard someone opening my door. I turned down the tv, and got out of bed. I slowly walked over to the door, and opened it. I saw Cameron standing there, with flowers.

"Cam? What are the flowers for?" I asked.

He handed them to me and walked in. He closed the door behind him and took his shirt off. "CAMERON! What are you doing?!" I asked, loudly.

"I didn't want you to be alone tonight, so I figured I'd stay the night with you!" Cameron giggled.

I placed the flowers on the night stand and got back into bed. Cameron jumped ontop of me and kissed me. 

I pushed him away and he said "come on Soph. It's just kissing!".

"Cam, you know that I just broke up with my boyfriend!".

Cameron Dallas was literally trying to seduce me. And I'm afraid it was working.

"C'mon gorgeous, you even said yourself, YOU like me!" he smiled.

Before I could catch myself, my lips smashed into his.

Oh my god.

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