Chapter 25.

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"WHAT?! NO, HE'S NOT! YOU'RE LYING!" I started to panic.

"Ask him for yourself!" Taylor said.

I whipped out my phone and walked down into our basement.

"Hello?" Shawn said.

"Is it true you're dating Lauren?" I demanded to know.

"Taylor told you?".

"Are you fucking kidding me, Shawn?!".

"Sophia, I'm sorry. It's just she was there for me when we broke up, and one thing led to another and we started going out".

I hung up the phone and started to cry. I have to see him at Magcon in a couple days, and he'll probably bring her. I can't believe he did this. Yes, I did go back to California with Cameron, but that's different. I refused to date him and broke his heart just because I was waiting. I really thought Shawn was the one. He was like my other half. Completely understood me.

But, I guess he's happy without me. So, I'll just move on, I guess.

I walked back upstairs, then sat back down.

"It'll be okay, Sophia. He just wasn't worth it if he did this" Taylor told me.

"You don't understand, he was worth it" I said.

"Soph, no guy is ever going to treat you like that and be worth it. Maybe you should give Cameron or that Lennie boy a chance" my dad added in.

What am I supposed to do? This is about Shawn. I don't know if I'm capiable of giving either of them a chance. Because no matter who I fall for, I always go through the ice and drown.

"Shawn treated me like a queen, to be honest. He was worth it. I just can't believe he got over me so fast, when he sobbed like a baby when we broke up".

"Like I said, maybe Cameron is the actual one for you, and you just haven't realized it".

"I know who the one is for me. It's Shawn Mendes". I got up and stormed to my room.

Later that night, Taylor and I went out to get some coffee. He wanted to sit down and talk to me.

"You know Soph, I know you're really upset about Shawn. Shawn is a really great guy, I know he is.. But, if he moved on this fast, maybe it's time you find someone else" Taylor said.

This is the thing I can't stand. When someone tells me to get over him. I can't just get over him within a day. I was in love with Shawn. No one understood how much he meant to me. I guess it didn't seem like it, when I broke up with him but I swear to god, I broke.

"And trust me, I'm not just saying this, any guy would be lucky to have you. Some guys just take advantage of it, and it's fucking stupid. I really think you should take a break, and look before just picking someone out of a bunch" Taylor added.

Maybe I'm overreacting, I don't know.

The week went by pretty fast. I just blocked everything out and went back to normal before I met everyone. I shut everyone out. I basically have been avoiding everyone that's tried to talk to me. I shut my phone off. I walk the halls alone in school. This whole thing really tore me apart.

Friday morning, I woke up and got dressed in a teal skirt, a white tank top with black cardigan. I grabbed my suitcase and ran downstairs to see Taylor running back and forth. I put on my military boots and sat down next to my dad. "Okay, are you ready?" Taylor asked me. I nodded my head, standing up. When we got all settled in Taylor's car, he waited a bit to turn on the ignition. "Aren't we gonna be late?" I asked him. "I'm worried about you, Soph" Taylor gazed at me.

"You haven't been the same old happy Sophia I used to know. It's like your heart got ripped out" he added.

"Well, it did, so.." I mumbled.

"Just try to avoid him this weekend, okay? Don't let them ruin San Fran for you".

I looked out the window, as Taylor started to drive down the street.

When we got to the airport, it was the same old routine. The plane ride was a drag. I guess I just wasn't looking forward to seeing Shawn. Or Lauren.

When we landed, a huge wave of anxiety came over me. I wasn't ready for this. But, I can't turn back now. When we unboarded the plane, we found Bart, Cameron and Olivia at the gate. Cameron was holding Olivia, it was honestly the cutest thing ever. Cam put Olivia down to hug me. "I heard about what happened with Shawn. Don't let him get your weekend down. Just avoid him and have fun" he said.

I nodded my head and he put his arm around me. When we got back to the hotel, I saw Shawn sitting down in the lobby with Aaliyah and his mom. He looked at me and smiled. I looked away and kept walking.

Why is he smiling at me? Shouldn't he remember that he has a girlfriend, now?

"Sophia?" I heard a cracked voice.

I turned around to see Shawn with his hand on the back of his head.

"What?" I murmured.

"Can we talk?" he asked me.

I shook my head, no. I grabbed my room key and my bag. I walked over the elevator. Shawn tried to stop me, but I pushed myself thru it. I wasn't going to let this whole thing ruin my weekend in California. I was going to have fun. Not worry about some old boyfriend.

The boys had to get ready for Magcon, so they were all rushing. When we got down to the back of the stage, Shawn wouldn't stop staring at me, as the room started to fill up with screaming girls.

When Bart came up, announcing us, Shawn was up first to sing. He didn't grab his guitar. He grabbed the microphone and looked at me.

"Sophia, you won't talk to me privately, so I have to do this. I broke up with Lauren. I realized she wasn't the one for me. Sure, I've known her longer, but she's only a really close friend. I did a lot of thinking, and I realized that I need you more than anyone. You were always there for me and frankly you made me the happiest guy alive. I know you probably won't forgive me, but I really do love you. You're the first girl to make me feel like this. You were my first everything. I know this is weird and mushy but I'm not gonna give up on us. You mean too much to me. I really do love you" he started to tear up.

Everyone awh'd at us. Mahogany handed me a microphone. My jaw dropped. This literally came out of no where. I looked over at Cameron, who smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up. I guess that means go get Shawn back. I walked over to Shawn and he just stared at me.

I was smiling and my voice was cracking. "Of course I forgive you!".

Shawn threw me up against him, into a hug. Everyone cheered and clapped. He kissed me and smiled.

Finally. I got him back. After my dumbass actions, I guess karma does blow over.

"Awh, the years cutest couple is back!" Matt chanted.

I started to laugh, as Shawn held onto me. He smiled, as he saw me laughing. I looked back over at Cameron. He just smiled at me. I know that he just wants me to be happy.

This was the best moment on my life.

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