Chapter 3.

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Everyone knew who I was, because well I'm related to Taylor Caniff. They all looked back at me. They all cheered for me to go. I looked around nervousily. I jumped off the table I was standing on, and quickly walked up to the stage. When I got up there, Aaron handed me his microphone. I took it slowly and looked over at Taylor, who had an angry/confused look on his face. I walked up to Shawn and he smiled. The screaming got louder.

"Okay Sophia, in this next song, there's a question in here for you" Shawn told me. 

I knew where he was going with this.

"This song is called, Somebody's Heartbreak by Hunter Hayes" Shawn said as he started playing his guitar. 

When he got to "if you're gonna be somebody's heartbreak, baby be mine" at the end of the chorus, he stopped playing. Everyone knew what he was trying to do, they all started chanting "SAY YES! SAY YES!". I looked over at the boys to see them chanting as well. Even Taylor! I looked at Shawn and smiled. 


Shawn got the biggest smile on his face and picked me up and twirled me around. When he put me down, he kissed me. 


Shawn had one arm around me as we turned around. 

"Don't you think you should get my fucking consent first? WELL, BECAUSE YOU HAVE IT. MAKE HER HAPPY, GUITAR BOY!" Taylor said. 

Everyone in the crowd laughed, including all the boys. 

Until Magcon was over, I stayed in the back like before. Shawn legit couldn't stop smiling. 

As all the boys were getting ready for the meet and greets, I saw that Aaron was the only one already, ready.

I had remembered that my best friend, Jana, is deeply in love with him. And I know that Aaron is single, so why not hook them up?

I walked up to him and he looked up at me and smiled. "What's up Mrs. Mendes?" he said sarcastically. "Ha ha real funny" I replied.

"So you're single, right?" I asked him.

"Yeah.. why?" he replied.

"Well my best friend, Jana, has a massive crush on you".

"Well, what is she like?".

My lock screen was a picture of Jana and I from the One Direction concert we went to back in July. I showed him the picture and told him about her.

"She's really nice, and extremley funny. If you want a girl who can make you laugh, she's perfect for you. And it's like she's not even a fan. It's kinda like a real life crush, not celebrity". 

Aaron laughed and said "well, when can I meet her?".

"She's actually flying here in the morning for Magcon. So I can hook you two up?" I replied. 

Next thing I know, Shawn walked up and hugged me from behind, and stayed like that. 

"What are you guys talking about" Shawn asked, with the happiest voice ever.

"Sophia was just telling me about her amazing friend, Jana, who I get to meet tomorrow" Aaron replied.

I shook my head and Aaron smiled, and walked away.

Shawn let go of me and I turned around. Before I could say something, Nash jumped in between. "WHATS UP?!" he yelled. Taylor and Cam jumped in, too. "NO MAKING OUT WITH MY BABY SISTER IN FRONT OF ME, OKAY?!" Taylor yelled at Shawn.

"YOU SURE DO LIKE TO CALL HER YOUR BABY SISTER" Shawn yelled back, louder.

"THAT'S BECAUSE SHE IS MY BABY SISTER" Taylor yelled back, even louder.

I got tired of the yelling and walked away. Carter stopped me and we started talking.

"So, you're dating Shawn now?" he asked.

"Well, you were there when he asked me, sooo..." I replied.

"Yeah, I know. I just thought that maybe.."

"Okay Carter, you know I love you, but I don't think Tay would like that".

"But, he doesn't care about Shawn? I thought he'd have to like interogate him first before he even considered asking you out".

"I had to argue with him a couple times about it. But he's just watching out for me. Because you know what happened last time I got my heart broken.."

"Soph, listen to me. Shawn is not like what that dick was. Shawn loves to make people smile and wouldn't hurt a fly. Okay, trust me on this. Even if you two do breakup, do not get like you were".

"Wow, I've never heard you say anything like that before".

"I'm just watching out for ya, Soph".

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