Chapter 12.

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I walked over to her and she pulled me aside. "What exactly happened the other evening?" she asked me.

"Well, he tried getting back together with me, and I told him about my new boyfriend. So, he punched me in the face and went after Taylor and my boyfriend" I replied.

"Well, I just came to apolgize for what he did. He had no right to hit you. Also, I miss having you around".

I gave her a hug and she left. I walked back over to the boys and just shook my head. We were walking back up to our room, when we passed a group of girls. Taylor and this one girl smiled at each other and rubbed shoulders as they walked by each other. I laughed and asked who that was.

"What? Oh, that's Brooke. A girl I met at the meet and greet the first night" Taylor told us. He couldn't stop smiling. "Aw! You have a crush!" I said.

Taylor just smiled at the ground. I looked at Shawn, and he smiled at me. Taylor looked at his phone and said "hey guys, I gotta go meet... Carter down in the lobby". He ran down the hallway and disappeared. Right as me and Shawn were about to go into my room, Carter walked out of his. Shawn and I started laughing. "What's so funny?" Carter asked. "Taylor told us he had to meet you down in lobby" I said. "He's gonna go meet his new girlfriend" he replied.

"They're dating?" I asked.

"Shit, I wasn't supposed to tell you" Carter said.


"I don't know. He just told me that you can't know".

I opened the door and walked over to my bed.

"Did you know about this?" I asked Shawn.

"He knows not to tell me, because I'll tell you" he replied.

"I just can't believe he lied to me. TAYLOR!".

"He has been acting really different around you lately. He seems really uncomfortable".

"I have no idea, why. He was like my best friend, now he doesn't even wanna tell me this stuff".

Right then, Taylor walked in. Shawn kissed my cheek and said "I'll see ya in a bit" before he left.

"We need to talk" I told Taylor.

"Okay, go" he replied, acting like he didn't care.

"What the hell is going on with us?".

"I have no idea what you're talking about".

"I know you know what I'm talking about, Tay".

"What? I found a girl that I liked. You have a boyfriend. Can't I be happy?".

"What does that have to do with anything?".

Taylor stood up and walked over to me.

"You know what, Sophia? It's like I don't even know you anymore. You barely pay attention to me anymore. I feel like I lost my baby sister".

My eyes started to tear up. He pulled me in for a hug. "No Soph, please don't cry. I just felt like I was losing you".

"I'm sorry, Tay. It's just Shawn makes me really happy, and you're usually doing your own thing".

"I love you, Soph. I won't hide anything from you anymore".

He let go of me and I walked over to my bag to grab my yoga shorts. The boys and I were gonna play soccer. I was in varisty soccer, so I think I got them. I changed into them and met all the boys downstairs. When I walked into the gym, all the guys whistled at me. I rolled my eyes and Shawn walked over to me. He put his arms around me and said "hey, she's all mine". Taylor did the same to Brooke. All the guys ran and took their shirts off, and I mean ALL of them. I grabbed a soccer ball and ran over to Brooke. "Wanna be on my team?" I asked her. She smiled and agreed. I was team captian and Nash was the other team captian. I didn't pick Shawn to be on my team, because I wanted some competition. I didn't pick Taylor either. Nash and I walked to the middle of the field and I set down the ball infront of us. "You're SO going down, Caniff" he said. Matt blew the whistle and I kicked the ball. I started running toward Jack G who was the goalie of the other team. Before I was about to kick the ball into the goal, Taylor pushed me and I fell onto the ground. I shot right back up and ran after him. I body slammed into him and took the ball away. 

"SOPHIA, OVER HERE!" Hayes yelled to me. I kicked the ball over to him and he managed to get the ball past Jack. "Wow, you're really good" Cam told me. "I was captian of the varsity soccer team, so I guess you can say I'm pretty good" I replied. He smiled at me and squeezed my cheek. I pushed his hand away and he both laughed. I ran up behind Shawn and smacked his butt. I tried running away, and he grabbed me from behind. He picked me up and kissed my cheek. When he let go, Cam ran over to me.

"Hey, can we talk for a second?" he asked me.

I looked over at the guys to see them all talking. 

I shook my head yes and he took me out behind the door. 

He looked up at me.

"I think I'm in love with you".

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