Chapter 2.

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When we finally got into DC, Shawn and I didn't leave each others side. I could tell Taylor didn't like it. I don't think any of the other boys cared. They payed attention to their own things. Shawn and I walked over to the baggage claim, when Taylor pulled me aside.

"Soph, what are you doing?" Taylor asked.

"Talking to Shawn. Why is that such a problem?".

"I'm just trying to protect you, Sophia. I don't want you to get hurt again. I hated seeing you like that".

"Tay, I love you, but I have a good feeling about Shawn".

"I guess you're right. He's nicer than the other boys to be honest. Just promise me one thing, if he hurts you, his ass is mine".

I shook my head yes, and Taylor pulled me in for a hug. We walked away at the same time. I walked back over to Shawn. "What was that?" he asked. "Oh, Taylor just had to go over some stuff with me about Magcon" I replied. I could tell Shawn was trying to say something but then Carter came and practically tackled me. "YO SOPH, MY GIRL. HOW YOU BEEN?!" Carter yelled. He looked at Shawn, reached his hand out and said "yo my boy Shawn!". They did the handshake that all guys do. They both looked at me. "You two know eachother?" Shawn asked, trying to hide his jealousy. 

"Carter and I have been friends for a while. Taylor and Carter went to school with each other and would always come over. We just sorta all became close" I replied. "Oh, I see" Shawn mumbled. 

I looked at Carter and moitioned my head to go see Taylor. He winked at me and walked away.

After what it seemed like, forever, all our bags came through. We grabbed them and headed out to catch our ride to the hotel. "Why doesn't Sophia sit in the front seat?" Aaron suggested. I didn't really know how to say that I wanted to sit with Shawn, so I just decided to sit in front. It took about an hour to get to the hotel, and some of the boys fell asleep.

When we did get there, we all had to decide who to share a room with. It was obvious Taylor and I had to share a room. Taylor grabbed our keys and we walked to our room, which was luckily next to Shawn and Aaron's.

We got into our room, Taylor dropped his bag and flopped onto the bed. I laughed and walked over to my bed. I took my leather jacket off and threw it onto a chair.

"So, you having fun yet?" Taylor asked me.

"Yeah, but tomorrow is gonna be better, right?" I replied.

"Tomorrow is when we go on stage. Meet fans. Typical magcon stuff".

"I'll just stand in back, I can't talk infront of crowds".

"Maybe Shawn will sing to you" he winked.

I started to blush. Taylor jumped up and onto me saying "AW SOPHIA HAS A CRUSH!".

He pinned my arms down. "At the airport, you yelled at me about even talking to him! Now you're okay with this?!" I asked.

"Just as long as he don't hurt you, Soph. I don't care" Taylor replied.

"Okay. NOW GET THE HELL OFF ME YOU IDIOT" I yelled at him.

He jumped off walked over to the door. "We all usually meet up for dinner when we all get settled in" he stated.

I walked behind him all the way down to the lobby. We saw all the boys down there, talking like usual. When I walked up, Aaron smiled at Shawn and whispered something to him. I gave Shawn a confused look and he just shook his head. Aaron put his arm around my shoudlers, and swayed his arm out, saying "shall we, my lady?". I faintly laughed and started walking. Shawn walked on the other side of me. We walked outside and across the street over to Dave and Busters. I sat between Shawn and Carter. Shawn and I talked a majority of the time. We even switched numbers. I looked over at Taylor who was being his normal, loud self. 

"So, what are you singing tomorrow?" I asked Shawn.

"I'm actually singing a song that Aaron recommended. But I'm not saying what song. I also have a huge surprise for everyone" he replied.

"What's the surprise?" I asked.

"It's not a surprise if I tell you, now is it?!" he said.

I rolled my eyes jokingly. 

"But you'll like it, trust me" Shawn added.

The next day, was time for Magcon! I was soooo pumped! We all got up and got ready. We all had to walk down together, because there would be screaming girls in the lobby. We met up with security and walked down. The fans saw the boys, and started to freak out. We all ran to a room behind the stage. We could hear the screaming girls, so we know the room was filling up. I sat next to Shawn, who was acting really nervous. "Are you okay?" I asked him. He just shook his head and looked over at Taylor.

Did I do something? Is he mad at me?

I just sat back and didn't talk for the rest of the time.

When it was time for the boys go on stage, I ran out and back of the room. I stood on a table do i could see the boys. Shawn kept staring at me. Until it was his turn to go on. He grabbed his guitar and put the strap around him. Aaron playfully slapped his back, like he was wishing him good luck.

He introduced himself and EVERY SINGLE girl freaked out.

"Okay so, I'm pretty sure atleast most of you have heard this song. But before I start, I wanna dedicate this to a special girl in my life. Someone makes me realize the good in everything. This song is called They Don't Know About Us by One Direction". 

His voice sounds just like an angel. He stared at me almost the whole time. While music played along to him and his guitar in the back. Everyone sang along.

When he was done, everyone cheered for a good two minutes.

"Now, I would like to ask someone a question. Will Sophia Caniff please come to the stage?".

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