Chapter 10.

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The rest of the night went by quick. The boys went to meet the fans and came back. The usual. I was actually feeling quite better. My face wasn't hurting that bad. I think maybe since its my seventeenth birthday tomorrow, and I get to spend it at Magcon, with my favorite guys. I didn't even think about the pain.

The next day, I was woken up with Shawn sitting next to me, with his guitar, singing happy birthday to me. It scared me at first, until I realized it was him. I sat up and smiled at him. "Well thank you, handsome" I said. I looked over at Taylor's bed to see it empty. "Where'd they go?" I asked. "We got up early to play basketball" Shawn said. 

"The bruises on your face are gone!" Shawn said, shocked. I got out of bed and went to look in the mirror. He was right! It looked like I never even got hit. I got dressed and headed downstairs with Shawn. Magcon was about to start, but none of the boys let me into the back. Everyone introduced themselves and Taylor took the microphone.

"Today, is my baby sisters birthday! She's turning seventeen! And, I asked some of her friends from home to make a video of her with her favorite song attatched. Soph, this is for you, happy birthday!" Taylor said.

Everyone cheered as the lights when down. I looked at Shawn, confused. He looked at me and smiled. "Stay The Night" by Zedd started playing. The first slide said "Happy 17th Birthday to Sophia Caniff! We all love you! Love, Jana, Taylor and Lynn!". Then a selfie of me popped up, and then the rest was of me, my friends, Taylor and even Shawn! Shawn just smiled the whole entire time. When the ones of me and him kissing came up, everyone 'aw'd'. They even put the video of me and him kissing on New Years! When the video was over, I ran up and hugged Taylor. "Hold up, we aren't done yet" Taylor told me. I looked at him confused and he sat me down in a chair. Matt put a tiara on me and Carter gave me flowers. "Guys, this is magcon! Not my birthday party!" I said. "Magcon isn't until later. We love ya Soph" Nash replied. 

Taylor got infront of the crowd and started talking.

"Okay, so people say I seem like the type not to really care about anything. But really, I care a lot. Especially about Sophia. She's always been there for me. We haven't had easy lives. We're basically all each other had until you guys came along. Soph is my baby sister and I love her more than anything. I am very protective over her to be honest. She's been through a lot with guys, and I'm happy that she found someone who makes her happier than ever. Someone that can put a smile on her face, with just his prescense. Also, one of my best friends. Thank all you for supporting us and happy birthday, Soph! I love you!". 

I started crying and ran up to hug Taylor. He hugged me back so tightly. 

Now, it was Shawn's turn. I went back to sit down. 

"Sophia Caniff, is the most amazing girl I have ever met. She's funny, beautiful, caring and an amazing listener. I had a tiny crush on her because I had seen her in Taylor's vines. I didn't really think that it would turn into a major crush. Because she came to Magcon in DC, and I got to sit next to her on plane ride there. We talked an awful lot that day, and I figured out that it isn't a tiny crush. It was more like love at first sight. I fell for her so hard, I just couldn't wait to ask her out. So the next day, I asked her during my performance in Magcon. She said yes, and I became the happiest person alive. She had come home with me for New Years. Our New Years kiss was perfect, in my opinion. The rest of the night was a lot of fun, too. I'm just so happy that I found someone like Soph. She's also a great cuddler, I'm not gonna lie. My family loves her. She makes me so happy, and I couldn't ask for someone better. Happy Birthday, Sophia. I love you".

I had tears just running down my face. I got up and practically jumped into Shawn's arms. He kissed me and everyone cheered.

After the whole entire day was over, everyone went out to dinner but Shawn and I. They all went to a resturant a couple hours away, so it was just Shawn and I for the night. We were laying in my bed, just talking. When something just came over me. I smashed my lips into Shawn's. He pulled away and gave me a confused look.

"I want you" I said.

"Right now". 

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