The Van Allens vs Meg Masters 2.0.

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The first few moments following Sam and Alayna's exit had been a bit tense, but once Karoline gotten her text telling her that they were okay and just taking a breather, Dean had settled into looking through the books Tom had brought with him while Karoline was playing with Daryl over by the beds. They'd studied in relative silence for hours until now. "I never would have guessed that John was right," Tom said.

"About what?" Dean asked, still reading through book in front of him.

"About your brother," he said, and Dean will admit, he didn't like what he was saying. Dean looked up at him, observing his stern face.

"What John said—you save Sam or kill him. Maybe..."

"Maybe what?" Dean cut in, wondering if his voice was giving away the sudden streak of anger passing through him. What was it with their father's hellbent on killing Sam?

"Maybe we shouldn't have tried so hard to save him," he said.

"No matter what he did Sam is family," Karoline spoke up, looking over at her Dad incredulously, she could be as mad as she wanted but that didn't mean she wasn't going to defend him. "And we stick by our family."

"He ended the world, Kare. And we weren't strong enough to stop him proper. That's on us. I'm just saying, John was right."

Dean started to argue, but then something hit him like a ton of bricks falling out of the sky. "Dad," Dean said, jumping up from the chair he was in and rushing over to his duffel bag. He knew exactly what he was looking for, and he pushed aside a few articles of clothing until he found the little ziplock bag tucked in the bottom corner. He yanked it up, starting to rummage through the various business cards, IDs and assortment of other things pertaining to John.

"It's got to be in here somewhere," Dean muttered, flipping through the cards. The weird ass code from Chuck, he had a feeling that he'd seen something about Castles...

"What the hell are you talking about?" Karoline asked, standing up from where she was with the baby and coming over to Dean.

"Here," Dean said triumphantly, standing up and walking over to Tom and Karoline, showing them the business card. "I don't believe it."

"What the hell is that?" Tom asked, frowning at the card.

"It's a card for my dad's lockup in upstate New York. Read it." Dean said, passing him the card.

"Castle Storage. 42 Rover Hill," he read, then his eyes lit up. "I remember this."

"Castle on a hill of forty-two dogs," Dean quoted Chuck's vision back to him, reaching for the card and taking it back.

"So you think John had the Michael sword all this time?" Karoline asked.

"I don't know. I'm not sure what else Chuck could have meant," Dean replied. Tom nodded, looking down at his feet.

"Yeah. Okay. It's good enough for me," he said. When he looked up his expression had changed and Dean froze as he lashed out at him, knocking him through the barrier that divided the kitchenette from the beds in the room. Dean gasped for breath, and then he was on top of him, grabbing his shirt and lifting, slamming him down against the ground. This time when he looked at him, Tom's eyes turned black.

Tom dragged him to his feet, his head was spinning from the impact with the floor, and he struggled to gain his composure, grabbing at his shirt and holding him at arms length, he returned the gesture, holding Dean with a pincer grip at the join between neck and shoulder. A woman with long dark wavy hair and eyes as black as night even without the demon look walked in, followed by another male lackey. She smirked when she saw Dean, shaking her head.

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