Gabriel vs Charity and Lucifer

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Karoline heard screaming coming towards her, and knew the people had been freed. She saw them filling up the lobby and she held open the door. "Come on everybody!" She yelled. "Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go!" She followed them out into the parking lot, carrying her and Alayna's bags.

"Pst," hissing caught her attention and she turned towards her car, seeing a head peeking out of the back window of the Buick. Her eyes widened at the sight of Gabriel. "Don't look at me!" She frowned, but listened, turning her attention anywhere but him. "Act natural and get in the car."

She looked around to see if anyone was watching and quickly climbed into the drivers seat. She stared at the steering wheel for a moment. Was this really happening? "There is nothing natural about this," She finally turned to the short Arch Angel in her back seat. "I thought you were dead."

"You think I'd give Kali my real sword," he scoffed. "That thing can kill me."

Karoline frowned in confusion, "so, what do they have in there then?"

"A fake! Made it out of a can of diet orange Slice." He grinned like a little boy on Christmas morning and Karoline shot him a deflated look. "So, uh, go snag our blood, would ya?"


"I heard you guys in there," Gabriel nodded. "Kali likes Dean. He can get close. Lift the plasma, then we vamoose."

"No," Karoline shook her head, turning to face him fully. They weren't about to back down now. "Hand over the real blade. Better yet, why don't you man up and help us take down Lucifer."

Gabriel looked at her like she'd really gone crazy, "You can't be serious? "

"Deadly." Karoline wasn't about to back down now.

"Since when are you butt buddies with a bunch of monsters?" Karoline frowned at that and Gabriel quirked an eyebrow. "That's all they are to you, aren't they?"

"Alright, it's nuts. I know," Karoline agreed. "But, it's best idea I've heard considering you don't want to be apart of the action," She gave him a pointed look and Gabriel narrowed his eyes. "Unless I'm wrong."

"Good luck with that. Me?" He gestured to himself. "I'm blowing Jonestown. Those lemmings wanna run off a cliff, that's their business. "

"I can see right through you, you know?" She turned, her arm resting on the back of the front seat. Gabriel's eyebrows shot up and he scoffed. "The smart-ass shell, the whole "I could give a crap" thing? Believe me, I've been dealing with Dean for years."

"That so?" He challenged.

"Yeah," Karoline nodded, her face serious. "And maybe those Gods in there aren't your blood but they are your family. "

"They just stabbed me in the friggin heart!" Gabriel exclaimed.

Karoline pursed her lips, nodding. "I'll give you that one. But, you still care, don't you? That's why you came here in the first place? Not for Alayna. Not for Dean or Sam or Me. For them."

"Karoline-" Gabriel tried, but she wouldn't let him.

"Now they're going to die in there without you."

"I can't kill my brother," Gabriel pleaded and Karoline saw genuine sorrow in his Whiskey eyes.

"Can't or won't?" She challenged. The archangel didn't respond. She sighed, turning fully in the seat and sitting on her knees so she could lean forward against the back of the seat. "Why don't you like me?"

Gabriel looked at her startled, "are we really talking about this? Now?" He asked scathingly.

Karoline shrugged, "I mean, I don't expect you to worship at my alter. Though, that'd be cool," she grinned only for it to falter when Gabriel tossed her a deflated look. "But, Elijah. He told me I have this thing that allures all Angels. Why doesn't it work on you?" She didn't exactly care, but it made her curious. It even worked on Lucifer, why not him?

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