The Van Allens vs The Whore of Babylon

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Karoline came back an hour later, luckily Alayna wasn't in their room - meaning she was next door in the boys room. Which she was glad for so she could quickly change before being confronted by them. Her shirt wasn't exactly in the best condition, neither was her hair or the light makeup she wore for that matter - it was sure to raise questions.

She changed quickly into a a white T-shirt and a navy blue and black flannel over top. She wiped the excess makeup off from under her eyes and pulled her hair up into a ponytail to hide how messy her curls had become.

With that she headed next door to the boys room and knocked - Alayna was the one to let her in. Her eyes danced around the room, finding that Dean was back as well, he was sitting back against the head board as Sam sat at the table on his lap top.

Dean looked up, and met the blonde's gaze as she came in, "Where've you been?"

"Drinking." She closed the door behind her.

"You rebel."

"I'd have had more, um, but it was curfew." Karoline pushed some loose curls behind her ear as she avoided eyes contact.

"Right..." Dean frowned at her, sitting up straighter, she was definitely acting strange. His eyes widened as he placed the look, "you are doing the full on walk of shame right now."

"What?" Karoline said a little too quickly, causing both Sam and Alayna to look at her as well. "No, I'm not."

"Oh, yes, you are." Dean chuckled at the withering look she sent him. "Oh, you really are a rebel. Breaking two rules. So, who was it?"

"That's none of your business." Karoline brushed him off quickly, moving passed him to the sink to grab a glass of water.

Dean sighed, pushing up off the bed to follow her. He leaned up against the counter beside her and watched as she purposely avoided eye contact with him. "You're gonna have to talk to me eventually."

"Oh, now you want to talk? How refreshing." She scoffed.

She tried to nudge passed him, but Dean's hand on her arm stopped her. "What do you want me to say, Karoline?" He asked desperately, his voice quiet as not to attract Sam and Alaynas attention. "You want me to say I'm sorry? I can't help how I feel, Kare."

Karoline watched him for a moment her face softening slightly in resignation, losing some of its hardness. "No, I don't want you to apologize for how you feel, Dean. I know you can't help that. I want you to tell me that it's different."

Dean frowned at her, "What?"

"I want you to tell me it's different with her than it was with me," she admitted quietly and Dean's face flushed in realization. "I want you to tell me that you really care about her and that in 2 or 3 or even 10 years you're still gonna be crazy about her. Because if you want to be with Alayna, Dean, I can get over that. But if you hurt her like you did me... I could never forgive you for that." She admitted softly and Dean's face softened at her words. "So, I want you to tell me that whatever you feel for her is different than whatever it was you felt for me, because she deserves better than that."

Dean hesitated a moment, watching her carefully to make sure that that's what she really wanted. That that's what she wanted to hear. When he found no hesitance in her eyes he gave in. "It's different, Kare. It is."

Karoline looked away from him for a moment, closing her eyes tightly. She took in a deep breath, "good," she smiled at him as best she could, touching his arm affectionately as she moved passed him to join the younger two.

"You hear they shut down the cell towers?" Sam quickly changed the subject and Karoline tossed him a grateful look.

"No cable or internet either," Alayna added, watching her sister carefully.

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