Genevieve "Eve" Reynolds, FBI agent, handles her biggest case in her career, and is put to lead her team in their investigation. Throughout the investigation process, Eve will come upon events that will make her and most definitely break her.
I decided to go on this date, and give this Bruno guy a chance even though deep down I didn't want to go. This will mark my very first date with a man ever in my life.
Faith and Charlie came to my house, and Faith did my makeup. I wasn't into makeup at all, but, it's only one night, so a little couldn't hurt.
"Okay, one more." Faith said. She plucked one more little hair from brow line. "Ow! Dammit!" I screeched.
"Man, I can't believe our girl, is going on a date with Bruno Mars!" Charlie said. "You're going on a date with this man!" Charlie showed me this picture from his Instagram page.
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"Ehh, he's alright." I say. Faith began adding small curls to my hair, and said, "I heard he's a real ladies man." I scoffed. "Then he's probably all about sex." I say coldly. "You always have to look at something negative, don't you Eve?" Charlie asked. "I'm calling it, like I see or hear it."
Charlie grunted. "Eve, it's going to come to some point in your life, where you're going to want a man, get married, and have kids!" Charlie said. "You can't keep pushing away every man that comes your way. You're so picky, it's not even funny!" I didn't say anything else, because I wanted him to shut the hell up.
"Time for your makeup." Faith said. She started applying foundation and contour. "Eve, why don't you ever want to go out on a date with anyone? There's so many good guys out there." I never found the courage to tell them about my experience of being raped and watching how my father used to physically and verbally abuse my mother. I wanted to tell Charlie and Faith, but I just couldnt. I wasn't ready. Besides, I don't think they would fully understand. "I just don't want to." I said "Can you please stop asking me about it already? Damn."
About thirty minutes later, my makeup was all done. The final thing I needed was my red velvet dress.
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"Genevieve Hope Reynolds, you're a babe!" Charlie said. "Thank you Charlie!" I hugged him.
The door bell rang, and I rushed to get my shoes on. "Faith, go down there and answer the door, and let him in." "Okay!" She smiled. "Oh and Faith." I said. "Yeah?" "Don't be weird." She scrunched up her face and said, "I wont!"
Charlie helped me put on my shoes and gave me my bag. "I really hope you have a good time." He said sincerely. "I really hope that it will end quickly." Charlie sucked his teeth. "Whatever Eve." Charlie rolled his eyes.
Charlie and I walked out of my room, and he helped me downstairs. I looked over the railing, and there he stood. Bruno.
"She looks beautiful." I heard him whisper to Faith. When I made it to the bottom of the stairs, Bruno walked towards me and grabbed my hand, helping me down. "You look...flawless." He said. "Thanks. Well should we get going?" I asked. "Yes, of course." He said shyly. "You two have fun!" Charlie clasped his hands together. "Thanks man!" Bruno said.
Why am I doing this? Just the other day, he was in the back of my car, going down to the station for questioning about a murder that happened next door to him, now I'm going on a date with him. This is so weird. This is so...uncomfortable. I felt so uncomfortable. What if I'm being set up. What if someone set him up to take me out on a date? What if Bruno is wired, and gives the evidence back to someone, and the Chief finds out. I will never get that promotion. I could....I could be fired for messing with a witness in a non professional way. My thoughts ran wild.
"So where are we going?" I asked, to keep myself from having a mental breakdown. "Well I couldn't do anything spectacular." I was just waiting for him to pull up to McDonalds. What a disappointment. "I had to do something beyond that." He added. We hit a red light, and Bruno looked at me, "I got us a special reservation at the Queen Mary."
No one has ever taken me to the Queen Mary. I've never set foot there in my life. "You look really beautiful tonight." He said, trying to keep the conversation going. "Thanks." I said without making eye contact.
It's crazy to say, but this is my very first official date with a man. Was this the first time I've been asked on a date? Definitely not. If Charlie or Faith didn't pressure me into doing this, I'd be at home, watching CSI or Law and Order right about now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"We're here!" Bruno said. We drove across the bridge to see the Queen Mary shining bright on the water.
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The sunset behind the ship was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. "Have you ever been to the Queen Mary?" He asked. "No, I have not." I answered. "Well you're in for a treat."
We parked along the boardwalk and Bruno came around and opened my door. "Thank you." He held my hand, and assisted me out.
"Welcome!" A worker said. "Do you have a reservation?" "Yes, the name is Bruno Hernandez." He said. "Ah, Mr. Hernandez, we've been expecting you, follow me." Bruno allowed me to walk first, and we followed the worker.
"Here's your room." When we entered the room, I was blown away. "I'm being punked. I'm most definitely being set up." I said. "Why would you think that?" Bruno laughed. "This is just so much. I bet you're a con man!" I said. "I have no reason to con you Ms. Genevieve." "Then why did you ask me on a date?" Bruno dropped his head, "Because you seemed like a really confident woman, and I just thought I'd give it a shot." He said. "But if you think I'm just this big fat liar, I'll just take you home."
He sounded serious. So serious. "I'm sorry." I said. "I've never been on a date before. I'm already messing it up for myself." Bruno's eyes lit up. "Never?" "Never. I've just never been...interested." "So are you interested in being on this date with me?" Bruno asked. "I don't know. I'm sure I've messed it all up by now." Bruno said to me, "I think you're just really tense and nervous. With me, just be yourself. Just loosen them shoulders up." He smiled.