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I walked inside of Bruno's house, kicking my shoes off, dropping my bag down by the door. "Ugh, I'm so tired." I said to myself. "Babe?" I called. "Back here." Bruno said from his music room. I walked inside to see Bruno sitting at the piano, with a glass of alcohol set on top. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. Had a beat in my head so I recorded it, and I tried coming up with some harmony on the piano, but I'm stuck." Bruno smiled.

He kissed me, as a greeting, asking, "How was your day at work?" I wasn't ready to explain to Bruno what I attempted to do today. "It was just...very busy. I'm exhausted." I yawned. "Well, how about you take a bath, relax, and I'll give you a massage afterwards." "Ah, babe you don't have to do that." I smiled with heavy eyes. "No, I want to. Besides, it'll feel good for you and me." "How would it feel good for yo- oh you're sick." Bruno laughed then bit his bottom lip. "If you wanted to see me naked, all you have to is ask." I said. "Well, fuck a bath, let me see that body." Bruno looked at my body. "Mmm maybe another day." I joked.

After taking a hot bath, relaxing my muscles from a long day, I walked out of the bathroom, with with a towel wrapped around my body. I sat at the foot of the bed, rolling my neck, releasing more tension there.

Bruno walked into the room with a bottle of Stella Rosa wine, and two glasses. "Bruno, you know I don't drink." I say with heavy eyes. "I know, but I think you'll like this." He poured a small amount in my glass and filled his half way.

"Just one sip." By rolling my eyes, I took the glass, and put the cold glass to my lips. I tipped the glass back, letting the wine touch my lips and tongue. "Mm, it's...not bad." I licked the sweet juice from my mouth. "See, I told you." Bruno took my glass and set it onto the dresser.

"I'm ready when you are." Bruno smiled. "I'm ready." Bruno set his glass down, with a smirk on his face and walked to me, hovering over my tense body. "Can I?" Bruno shyly gestured to my towel. I laid on my back, putting my hands under my head. "You may." I giggled.

Bruno bit his bottom lip, and gently pulled my towel apart. My old habits were sneaking upon me once again, and I covered my exposed breast. "It's not like I've never seen them." Bruno laughed. "I think it's something I'll never truly get used to." I said.

Bruno placed himself between my legs and squeezed out the white gooey substance from a bottle of moisturizing lotion. "What's making you so tense?" Bruno asked. I moved my arms, setting them back under my head, exposing my breast, once I felt comfortable again. "It's just so much work right now. Overloaded." I sighed. "I know what you mean. I get that feeling a lot." His voice, hoarse and raspy, as he spoke softer. "In fact, I have something to ask you." He massaged deeply in my waist. He loved holding and grabbing it, whether if we posed for a picture, or we were being intimate. "What is it?" I asked. "How would you feel, if you moved in here?" Bruno stopped temporarily. "I don't know, I never really thought about it." I said. "Do you want me to move in with you?" I clarified. "I would love to. It's been about seven months, we've been together, and I feel like I'm ready to move onto the next step." Bruno continued massage but moved up, to under my rib cage and under my breast.

"Then after I move in, then what's the next step? Marriage? Then kids? Bruno, I don't know, I'm still young. You're still young, what if it doesn't work?" I asked. "What if it doesn't work? Are you not confident in our relationship?" He stopped again. "I am confident, but I fear sometimes, Bruno. I fear of our first break up. I don't want to experience that again, and you know that." I said. "Baby, you need to understand, that won't happen again. We're going to have different opinions and we're going to disagree, and goddammit we're going to argue, but that doesn't eliminate the fact that I love you with every muscle, organ, and bone in my body. I'm not going to let something stupid, cause you slip away from me. You're too important to me, for me to let that happen." Bruno explained. "I never mentioned kids, and the times that I have, you've shut me out, so I never mentioned it again. Marriage is not on my mind right now and I know it's not on yours."

Bruno, again, continued to rub my ribs, with the lotion. "Babe, I just want to love you, have fun with you." I reached for his arms, and said, "I want all of that with you too." I smiled a little. "You know, you're not as tense as you were before." Bruno said. "Did the massage work?" He laughed. "No, just you being here, relaxed me." I closed my eyes, feeling his fingers dragging across body.

"Okay. I'm done." Bruno stood and put the lotion onto the dresser. "Is there anything else you need? He asked. "You." I whispered. "Ahh, I see." Bruno came over to me, rubbing my belly adding a light laugh under his breath. He sat beside me, just staring at me with a smile. "I want you too." He whispered. "But right now, you need to just get some rest. You really need it right now." Bruno ran his fingers through my hair. "Okay, babe." I said. He kissed me on my forehead, and I laid back, hoping slumber will relieve a piece of my stress. "Bruno." I whispered. "Yes?" Bruno turned back as he was carrying out the two wine glasses and wine bottle out of the room. "Thank you. For everything." "Don't thank me. I just do it, because I love you." I couldn't help but smile.

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