The Beach

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I grab my coat and walk out of the front door. Bruno looked out with a light smile on his face. I trotted over to the car and entered inside. "I'm happy you decided to come." I put the coat over my shoulders and nodded my head.

A twenty minutes drive felt like a 20 hour drive. Pure silence, no music, no speaking; only the rumbling of the car engine and the wind running across the windows. I felt nervous, my head was pounding and I had no urge to sleep. It all felt like a dream, that I wanted to know how it ended.

Bruno pulled up to the same exact spot as the last time. He turned the car off and took the keys out of the ignition. Bruno stretched his arm over the the head of the seat and said, "Whatever we are by the end of this, you'll always mean something special to me."

"Everything is just falling apart." I said. "I lost my best friends yesterday. I truly am living the life of loneliness." "I don't want you to feel that way. I want you to feel that everyone in your life has your back. I'd be a terrible person knowing I couldn't help you."

"You can't help everyone Bruno." I snickered even though it was fake. "I can if I wanted to." I looked at him with glossy eyes. "You couldn't help me if I begged for it." I opened the car door and stepped outside. "Genevieve, what are you-Genevieve!" Bruno said.

I stood at the ledge of the hill, over looking the black ocean. If I took another step forward, I'm dead, slamming into the rocks below me. "Genevieve, listen to me." Bruno's voice was shakey. "Don't take another step." I looked at Bruno over my shoulder. "You think I'm going to jump?" I asked. "I hope you don't." I looked forward again and say, "If I did, I'd be free, happy. But don't worry, I won't jump, because I'm already dying inside." I back away from the ledge. "You know that organ that's been beating since that one amazing day in your mother's womb? Yeah, mines been dying for 14 years now and I'm ready for it to give up, because Bruno, I'm tired." I finally build the courage to look him in the eye. "You got everything going for you. You got the whole world screaming your name for you. Embrace it, Bruno. You earned it." Bruno's eyes began to water. "Eve..." "You can take me home." I interrupted. "But what...what about us?" He asked. "Go live the ordinary life. I'll find my way." I smiled. "I'm not taking you anywhere." Bruno said with force in his voice. "In this relationship, I promised myself, that I would fight for and with you til my last breath. When you're feeling weak, it's my job to build you up. You can give up on me, but you can't give up on yourself. Your life is worth too much for you to throw it all away. Your life is worth more than mine, because I'd lay my life down you baby, and that's a fact. If you jumped off that ledge, I'm jumping in after you. If you wanna cry, I'm going to cry with you. But I'm not giving up on us. You mean too much to me." Bruno said. "I shouldn't have accused you of anything. I was scared as any other protective boyfriend would be. I'm sorry, for the shit I've put you through." Bruno grabbed my hands, which were warm, sort of sweaty in this cold breeze. "Genevieve, I love you, with every bone in my body. I'm tired too. I'm tired of seeing you so unhappy. I want to see you happy and even if that means you're happy with another man, I'll be happy." "I never knew what true love or happiness was until I met you." I whisper.

Bruno pulled me in for a hug. A long, tight, and generous hug. The cologne on his neck and the warmth of his body soothed my emotions. "Can I kiss you?" I whispered. "You don't even have to ask." I kissed Bruno on his lips and that feeling. The feeling of butterflies but empowerment built inside me.

"Baby, I don't want to fight anymore. I want life to bring us together not tear us apart." Bruno said in between kisses. "I don't either. We start fresh today, right now." I retort.

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