The Fallout

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I pulled up to Bruno's house without a notice. I knocked on the door and waited for Bruno to answer.

"Hey babe. You're here really early..." "Don't you hey babe me, motherfucker. You fucking made me lose my job!" I screamed.

I pushed him out of the way and barged into his home. "You lost your job? Why?" Bruno chased after me. "Where the fuck is it? Where's the camera?" I started walking to the bedroom. "What camera?" Bruno asked. "Stop playing stupid! You know what you did!"

I looked around to see the clock on the wall. The camera had to be there, because it had the same point of view in the video. I climbed on the dresser and took the clock down. Bruno didn't say anything from this point. I set the clock on the bed, flipped it over, and there it was. The chord from the camera was poking out.

I pulled the little camera out of the clock and I showed it to Bruno. " used me. I can't believe this." I didn't know what to believe. I was about to lose my mind from this point on. "Genevieve, I don't know where that camera came from." He put his hands up.

I threw the camera at him and yelled, "Bullshit! You were just using me for sex and time." "Genevieve, you're way over your head right now, I didn't put that camera in the clock. I didn't even know it was in there."

"What else have you been hiding from me? Huh? You faked this relationship? You pretended to love me, just so you could fuck me, then send it in to the FBI? What did you want out of this? Some pussy? Some motherfucking attention? Money?" I asked. Bruno shook his head. I didn't know what was going through his mind. "Exactly! I was so stupid. So stupid. You are sick. I hate you! I fucking hate you!" I cried.

"Genevieve, you need to calm down and listen to me." Bruno held my arms and spoke at a calm tone, although he was hiding hundreds of emotions inside right now ."Don't touch me! Don't you fucking touch me!" I screamed. "You're a lying bastard Fuck you Bruno!" "I didn't record us having sex! I didn't send out any fucking thing Genevieve, you're jumping so quick to conclusions, you're so quick to blame people for your actions. You knew that this would happen, but you're going to blame me for you losing your own job? I was willing to keep this shit a secret until the case was closed. What can I get out this? Absolutely nothing. If I really did, what you're accusing me of, Genevieve, I'd be getting nothing. The FBI doesn't pay the fucking bills around here. I do! " Bruno yelled. "Baby, I didn't send anything to anyone. Genevieve, I love you too much that I couldn't do that to you. Someone set both of us up, and whoever did that, don't want us to be together." Bruno explained.

I was still angry because I still believed Bruno may have sent in the video of us having sex. "I don't believe you." I said. I took the ring that Bruno bought me. "I don't need this. I don't want it. Give it to someone else!"

"Eve, don't do this, please." I started walking to the front door. "Eve!" Bruno shouted. Bruno blocked the door, unallowing me to leave. "Please.." Bruno cried. "Please don't leave me." He looked me in the eyes. "I need you." I sobbed right then and there. "All those times, we laid together, all those times we slept and cuddle with each other, and my God, all those times we had sex, it was all a lie." I wiped my eyes. "I guess your first love obtains the worst heartbreak."

Bruno was bawling as well. "Genevieve, when I first saw you here 4 months ago, you were beautiful from the spot. I knew from day one, I wanted to make you mine, but destiny just had to bring us together. My intent was to love you, not hurt you. It hurts me to see you like that, but it kills me even more that you think I'm the one that's causing you this pain." Bruno wiped his nose.

"Im sorry, but Im cutting the bullshit. Goodbye Mr. Hernandez." I said coldly. I opened the door and left Bruno's house heading back to mine.

This morning, I woke up to having everything. A job, my friends, my loving boyfriend, and by the end of the day, I lost all three.

Right now, it's time to just think about myself and only myself, because the only one who will always love, respect, and cherish me,

Is me.

When I got home, I cried and screamed and threw the largest tantrum. I broke vases, I tore up pictures of me and Bruno, and did everything. I wanted to die.

I drew a bath for myself, and it felt empty now. I had my knees pressed against my chest, wondering where I went wrong. Wondering why I'm going through this torture. What did I do to deserve this treatment. I've hit lower than rock bottom, I'm truly living in hell.

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