Table Talk

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March 10, 2015

"Here's your sirloin steak sir." A waitress handed the food to Charlie. "Your shrimp and scallops." She handed it to Faith. "And your garden salad ma'am." She handed it to me.

I put my hand under my cheek, using it as a platform, and stirred my salad around. "Baby girl, I know you miss him, but you have to stay focused." Faith said to me. "Love is such a stupid thing. I hate it." I tried my best to not cry. I didn't like expressing my emotions. "Eve, you'll find a man that won't hurt your heart. You'll find a man that won't constantly put you in pain." Charlie said. "But there is no other man that I want. I don't want anyone else. I want....I want Bruno." I continued to play with the crutons in my salad.

"What if we helped." Charlie said. "You know, knock some sense into him." He cracked his knuckles. "I don't want you to hurt him. Jesus, he'll hate me more if I did that." "Girl, my hands were tense. Chill out. Besides, I don't want to hurt him. But if you're going to express yourself this way, then he needs to know." "He won't care." I shook my head. "And how do you know that?" Faith asked. "I don't know." I sounded frustrated.

"I just wish I had a different life." I said. "Different life means no Bruno." I rolled my eyes in anger, "Well maybe it would be better that way!" I slammed my fork onto the table and stormed out of the restaurant.

I walked outside into the cold, blowing off steam. I sat on a bench, crossed my legs and looked forward. Moments later, Faith came outside and sat beside me. She didn't look at me, but sat like she were a stranger to me. "If you really love him, you'd do anything to get him back, Eve." I continued to look forward, not saying a word. "Do you love him?" "I don't know, do I?" "Don't be like that, Eve. Being stubborn isn't going to bring him back." Faith finally looked at me. "I just want to get these guys in jail and that's it." "Wyatt and Justin?" Faith asked. "No, Wyatt and Brandon." "Brandon? Your brother in law? Who told you that?" "Wyatt." Faith dropped her head, "And you actually believed him? Come on Genevieve, I thought you knew better."

I turned my body toward Faith and asked, "Who do you think killed Barbara and Keith?" Faith looked over her shoulder and said, "I feel like it was Charlie." I couldn't help but laugh. "Now you're crazy!" "Genevieve, I'm serious." I straightened my face.

"Why do you think that? Out of all people, why Charlie? He's our friend." "That's what he wants you to think. There's no proof of anything for me to persuade you, but he's been acting strange ever since we got the call to run the case. He's been stand off-ish. He doesn't answer any of our calls, except for this one, so we can eat, but even now he doesn't talk as much. It doesn't set well with me Eve."

"Faith you're crazy. I still think it's Brandon who's been working with Wyatt. No way it was Charlie. Not our Charlie." I began to walk back to the restaurant, but Faith grabbed my arm. "Don't say that I didn't warn you Genevieve. Be careful. You saw how the Jones' ended up. You don't want to end up the same way."

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