Run In

553 35 18

April 29, 2014

Faith, Charles, and I all drove to a nearby deli to get a sandwich for lunch. "Man, Wyatt is a real dick!" Charles snapped in line. "Why?" Faith and I asked. "He's not gay." He said. Faith and I laughed. "Well duh, of course he's not. Don't worry, you'll find that special man." I patted him on his back.

"You never did tell us about that guy you had to take to the station a couple of weeks ago." Faith crossed her arms. "Yeah, spill it Eve." Charles added.

"It was nothing. I was just doing my job." I said. "What was his name?" Faith asked. "Bruno." I said. "You know, he did look a little familiar, but I can't put my finger on it." Charlie said.

Once we ordered our sandwiches we were about to drive back to the FBI headquarters. "Yeah, Justin better just back the hell off and do his job." I looked back at Faith and Charlie, and once I turned forward, I saw a man walking towards the door of the deli.

"You." He said. "Ms. Reynolds..." I heard a gasp from behind me. "Hi, how are you?" It was that Bruno guy. "Im fine. How are you?" "Oh, I'm better now." He smiled.

"Well that's good, well, we have to get going." I tried to rush to the car. "Before you go Ms. Reynolds." He said. "Yes, Mr. Hernandez?" "I was actually going to call the FBI headquarters to ask you, but now that you're here...would you like to get a bite to eat sometime? " He asked.

"Say yes!" "Bitch, say yes!" Faith and Charlie whispered behind me. Just so they could leave me alone about going on a date with a man. "Fine." I went into my purse. "Here's my work number. But I really have to go, Mr. Hernandez."

I began to rush to the car. "Oh and Ms. Reynolds." "What?" I asked with frustration. "Call me Bruno." There was silence. "Okay, Bruno." I said. "It was nice seeing you again." Bruno laughed. All I did was nod my head, and jumped into the car.

With Faith and Charlie in the car, they were losing their minds. "Why are you guys so happy. It's not that important!" I said. "Not that important?" Charlie asked. "Do you not know who that was Eve!?" Faith shouted. "That was Bruno Mars! My girl, is going to go on a date with Bruno Mars!"

"And who's that? I've never heard of him. He must be one of those low budget artists" I said. The car went dead silent. "Girl, give me your Auxiliary chord!" Faith snatched the chord and plugged up her phone.

The title of the song Faith was playing was called, "Grenade." Faith was singing every lyric of the song, and was just having the time of her life.

"No! Play this one!" Charlie insisted. They switched phones for the auxiliary chord. The title of this song was Treasure. Both Faith and Charlie were just jamming, while my ears were not attracted. "Do you not like this?" Charlie asked. "Not really. You know I love my...classical music."

I wasn't into the pop or RNB music. Growing up in a strict household, we were forbidden to listen to music as such.

Charlie paused the music. "Eve, are you really going to give this guy a chance? Or are you going to blow him off like the others?" "You guys know I'm not interested in dating. I'm not interested in giving my time to men, except Charlie." I laughed, but no one else did.

We arrived at the job, and began to walk back inside. "Eve, we just want you to be happy." Faith said. "I am happy. I'm happy with my career. I'm happy with everything I have."

"Eve, just give him a chance, you may not like his music, but he may be a good guy. I know you'd want Chief to give you a chance for that promotion you're dying to get. One date won't hurt." Charlie grabbed his sandwich and went to his office to eat his lunch. "It's worth one shot." Faith said and left as well.

When growing up, not only was I raped, I watched the way my father treated my mother. He was the worst towards her. My mother always told me, "It was my fault, I made him angry. I probably deserved it." I don't want to be like my mother. I will never be like her. I'm want and I'm going to be better than her, and not let any man walk over me or mistreat me.

I walked to my office and didn't even have the appetite anymore. I looked out to the city, in which my office faced, and just stared at its beauty. I need to stay focused on this case. This isn't something to play around with. Especially since I'm leading this, I have the ultimate responsibility.

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