Plot Twist

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I sat in my office, staring at the blood drops on my carpet, with Justin sitting on the other side of my desk. "Genevieve, as much as I want to fire you right now...I cant." Justin cupped his mouth. "Then do it. You do a lot of threatening anyways."

Justin tilted his head, confused. "Genevieve, I am not the bad guy here. It was me who brought you back here." "You're not the bad guy? I think the Jones' would think otherwise if they were still alive."

Justin took a deep breath. "You think I killed those people? Who told you that?" "Don't play stupid. You killed the Jones'. Wyatt gave you up." Justin laughed as if this were a joke. "Wyatt told you, I killed the Jones'? And you actually believed him? You're smarter than that Genevieve. I have never tried to manipulate you, I just follow the rules around here. Wyatt is a good liar, and he'll persuade you into believing anything.

"Well I know you left Germany to escape drug trafficking." I crossed my arms. Justin laughed. "Yeah, I did, because I was accused, wrong place, bad timing. I lost my job, I had a wife for God sake, and she left me because of that. I lost everything Genevieve, and I'm sure you know what that feels like. I left Germany to start new. Begin a new life, get an education, become an FBI agent." Justin explained. "You're smart Genevieve, but you don't look at both sides sometimes." Justin added.

I didn't say a word at the moment. "Look, Genevieve, I want you to know, when you got fired that first time, me, Faith, and Charlie fought for your job. We tried to convince the chief to not let you go. Wyatt didn't seem to care. He never did. He was so anxious to just become the head of the department, and kicking you out, would give him a closer step to that." Justin put his hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know what to do anymore, Justin. I don't know who to trust anymore." "I understand you're frustration Eve." Justin stood , preparing to leave. "We're never going to find those killers." I said. "Theres no evidence." I added.

"I found something new this morning, actually." Justin said. "What is it. Tell me." I said. "Let me get on your computer. I sent it to your email, I suppose you never read it." Justin said. I moved out of his way, and let him onto my computer. "No, I haven't."

As Justin was searching opening tabs and pulling up the evidence, and said, "I was checking the surveillance in the parking complex, and a cars licence plate looked so familiar to me." Justin said. My heart dropped. "Turns out, the liscence plate is the same as the one from the night the Jones' were murdered." Justin explained. "But all the surveillance from the Jones' couldn't give us a clear picture of the car or the plate." I said putting my hands on my hips. "They had another one that no one noticed. They placed a camera on their light that hung above their garage."

I took a deep breath, how could I have not seen this? "Do you think you can find trace down the license plate for me?" Justin asked me. "Yes." I felt sick to my stomach. I was scared to know who the true killer is.

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